Camp Camp Big sis (OC insert) AU; The hair cut

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(this is an au I kinda made, essentially it's where Marshmallow is Max's adopted big sister I have 3 different versions of this au, so let me know if y'all wanna read/see that!)
"FOOD FIGHT!!!!" Nikki yelled as she threw some mash potatoes at David, who then had Preston throw some at Erid, Erid throw some at neil, Neil throw some back at Erid, and the chaos continued. More food was thrown, chicken, pasta, even peanut butter, "Max! Behind you!!" Neil yelled, max then turned around only to have some mashed potatoes thrown on to his hoodie, "Ohhhh! Nerris hit max!!" Nikki said, max then grabed a chicken leg and chucked it at her hat, having it fall to the ground, "HEY!", Nerris the grabbed something, a small pack of mint gum, then then grabbed a straw and chewed and then spit out the gum threw the straw, it it the wall behind max, "HA! YA MISSED!!" he yelled, nerris then continued this tactic of hers, nerris took another chew on some gum and spit it threw the straw agian, but it didn't hit Max, or even Nikki, but rather the person who just happened to walk through the hall doors, "sup guy...s...." It was marsh, the gum landed on the side of her hair just at her shoulder, "Ew! Wait, did I miss a food fight?! Aw...", "Omg! Marsh I'm so sorry!" Nerris apologized frantically, "its cool, I'll just use peanut butter-", Neil then interrupted, "we're actually out..of peanut butter.." he said with a nervous sweat running down the side of his face. Marshmallow sighed, why now?.... "I guess I'll have to cut it then.." most sighed, with relief that she wasn't angry and with relief that they didn't mess up TO badly, "Hey Max let's go..get the scissors?..", Max had a strange look on his face, it was a mix of, 'No I don't want you to' and 'Dont cry, Don't cry, Don't cry' face,  Max then ran out of the mess hall without saying a word, "Max wait!-", Marsh sighed, 'why didn't I stay in bed today?....'.
-to max-
Max was sitting by the docks, 'why...', "Max!", He jumped at the sudden voice, It was Marsh, "What's wrong bro?" She asked, she still had the gum in her hair, max stayed silent, "Come on, you can tell me" she said with a soft voice, the same voice she always uses to comfort him, "I..I don't want you to cut your hair..." He said, "why?" She asked, "you always said, 'I'll never cut my hair, I'd hate to cut it off!'" max turned silent agian, "pff-...." Max turned back to her, "Pfff! Hahahaha!" She was... laughing?
"H-hey! Stop that!!" Max didn't know why but he got embarrassed, "Max, hahaha, ah, you always remember the littlest of things, haha!" Max crossed his arms and looked away, "I don't care that I have to cut my hair, cause 1. It'll grow back! And two.." she then gave Max a hug from behind, "I know that my little brother will always care about me! So why would I need long hair to feel special?" Max lightly smiled to himself, "yeah yeah, whatever...", "Now let's go find those scissors!"


Marshmallow (after the hair cut): YAY! It feels so fluffy!!

Max: (^_^)

Gwen: (╥﹏╥)
'her long hair is goneee.....'

Nikki: (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧

Marshmallow: YESSSSS!! (≧▽≦)

David: (;^ω^)

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