Crossover!NSP bully & Phoenix drop high; a strange friendship

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(Note: No this isn't a shipping fan a FRIENDship fan fic ( ꈍᴗꈍ) )
Zane was running, he didn't know why but he was running, as he ran he heard garroth call out for him, he didn't listen, he just ran and ran and ran, as soon as he got far away from them as possible, he stopped, leaning on one of the big oak trees, crying, he didn't know why he was crying, he just felt like he should.
"Hey why are you crying?" Zane jumped, who was that? "Up here silly!" Zane look up to see a boy sitting in the tree, he had a green and white t-shirt on, and dirty blond hair, but he couldn't see his face, "W-who are you?!!" Zane asked, embarrassed that a total Stranger just saw him cry a few minutes ago, "I'm Cory! And you are?" He asked, Zane tensed up a bit but then calmed down, he didn't know why but he felt he could trust him, and Zane wasn't one to trust people he just meet, "Zane...can you come down?", "Why don't YOU come up?" Cory giggled, Zane was hesitant at first, but then Grabed one of the lower branches and slowly got up to where Cory was, "Hey you did it! Nice!" Cory smiled, "hahaha, yeah I guess so!" Zane was happy, he made a friend! A real friend! "Hey come closer?", "Why?" Zane asked, "so you can see my face silly!" Zane didn't hesitate this time as he slowly scooted closer to the boy he saw that his face was actually a camra, "woah...your face..", Cory felt a nervous sweat run down his cheek, "It's so COOL!!" Cory almost jumped at his words, "re-really?!", "Yeah!! It looks so cool!!" Zane was amazed, as he looked closer he could see the camra going into his skin, "hey would you like to come over sometime?" Zane asked, "Sure thing Zane!" Zane smiled, for the first time in a long time, He made a friend!~

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