Camp Camp!Max × Preston; Flowers

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It was another day in Camp Campbell,
Everyone was off doing there own thing when Nikki and Neil decided to go see what max was doing, "Hey where is max anyway?" Neil asked, "I don't know? Let's check the woods!" Nikki suggest, as they walked through the quite woods they heard a voice, a singing voice, and it sounded like...."Preston?" They followed the voice further into the woods and saw Preston singing a song while holding onto a bunch of red roses, and handing them over to..."Max?!" Neil jumped in surprise, along with max and Preston, "NEIL! what the f__k! I'm having a moment!!", Max yelled at his nerdy friend, meanwhile nikkki just staired in awe, "oh, uh, sorry dude." He quickly replied, quickly yet quietly leaving while dragging Nikki along with him, "Well, where were we?" Preston said, "Ah! Yes!" And then quickly gave Max a peck on the lips, "dork.."
"Sour boy!"
They laughed and cuddled for the rest of the day

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