Dangonronpa & H20 Delirious crossover; A Delirious dream

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Kokichi was walking around, no he didn't know where he was everything was blank, no trees or walls or anything, he was just walking, but was soon he was able to he suddenly came towards a huge feild of grass, a massive golden flower feild was just ahead of him, as he walked through all the flowers he saw someone, he ran towards the person, he first thought it was shuichi, but as he came closer he saw that the man was a lot taller, and had blackish brown hair, the man then turned around to face ouma, and he saw that he had a hockey mask on, "Hi! My names Delirious!" He said waving his hand hello, kokichi waved back and said, "I'm kokichi ouma...", "Nice to meet you ouma!" Delirious smiled, (however he could only assume that), they talked for hours on end, joking around, laughing, playing small games like rock paper scissors and tag. Kokichi didn't know if he was really dreaming, or if this was even real, but he didn't care, cause today..
He made a friend.

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