Chapter Thirty One

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You and Billy cleaned up pretty well. You helped him put the furniture back with your powers as you simultaneously swept the dust, dirt, and glass while music played from the radio. The whole thing actually made you think of when you first moved in.

Hop opened the door, the sunshine reaching the inside of the cabin. He grabbed something from the corner and opened it. A song began playing from it as Hop looked over at the two of you. He moved his hips and snapped as you and El looked at each other and smiled.

You grabbed a broom and started sweeping, doing a few dance moves of your own before turning to El. You dropped the broom and grabbed her hand and pulled it above her head and told her to spin. She laughed as you danced with her.

"Alright, everything's lookin' good, except for those huge ass holes." Billy says, his hands on his hips as he looks up at the roof.

"There are a few tarps in the shed." You say, reaching a hand out to him.

He takes your hand in his as the two of you walk through the door and into the night. You make it to the shed, opening the door with your powers. Folded up in the corner on the floor are a few blue tarps. Billy lets go of your hand and picks them up as you turn to your right and grab a roll of duct tape. You and Billy walk to the front of the cabin, the lights shining through the broken windows.

Using your own powers on yourself, you fly up on the roof. Once you make it up there, you use your power to bring the tarps up to you.

"Hey, be careful!" Billy warns.

You chuckle, "I will!"

You place the huge tarps down and duct tape them into place. This isn't a forever thing, just until you get some wood. If Billy can build a tree house, he can fix a couple holes in your cabin. You fly back down, Billy's arms grabbing onto your waist when you get close enough. He pulls you into a hug and kisses the top of your head.

"Billy," you look up at him.


"I think we should tell your parents about us."

He takes a step back, running a hand through his hair, "You want to tell them? Now?"

You nod, "If your dad makes a big deal out of it, you can just..." you trail off, shaking your head, "never mind."

"No, hey, what's up?" He asks, taking your hands in his.

"You're gonna think I'm crazy."

He scoffs, "I've been possessed by that monster thing and you have powers. How much crazier can what you're gonna say be?"

"I was gonna say that if your dad...if he makes a big deal out of this, you can...move in...with me." You glance down at your hands that are being held by his.

He's quiet for a a few seconds before lifting your chin to look at him. He smiles bright, "I would love to."

Now it's your turn to beam up at him, "Really?"

He nods, "And even if he doesn't make a big deal out of it, I could just...move in anyway."

"Well, I won't say no to that." You give him a tight hug.

"Then let's do it tonight. We're having your favorite."

You back away with a huge smile. "Let's do it."


Nervous. You're nervous as hell. Why did you agree to this? Screw it! Max and Billy will be there the comfort you. The two of you walk up to the door, the brisk October air puffing your hair back. He gives your hand a light squeeze before opening the door. The heat from the house warms your cheeks as you walk inside.

Experiment 000: Billy Hargrove X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now