Chapter Seven

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Time to party! You grab the new clothes you bought, and put together an outfit. You quickly throw everything on, and went to do your make up. All you do is put on mascara, top and bottom.

Afterwards, you hurry to the living room. El isn't there though. But thanks to the loudness of the TV, you know she's in her room. You open the door, her eyes instantly land on you.

"Pretty." She smiles.

"Thanks, kiddo." You hurry over to her and give her a hug. "I know Hop's late, but he'll be back soon, okay?"

She nods. "Okay."

"Stay safe!" With that, you hurry out of her room and out of the house.

You memorized the address so you didn't have to keep the paper. Eventually, you show up to the large house. Music is blaring throughout the place. There are people standing outside, talking and dancing. So many people are here. You're a little late though. You wanted to stay with El a little longer until Hopper got back, but decided to go when she told you that she'd be okay.

Taking in a deep breath, you gain enough courage to walk inside. There are so many people that you've never seen before just dancing around, and having a good time in costumes. That's when you spot them. You push past many people to get to your friends.

Their jaws drop when they see you, especially Steve. Without a word, Steve in his ridiculous black sunglasses, hugs you ever so tightly.

"Where have you been?" He asks, still hugging.

"The upside down." You tell him with your mind.

He holds you at arms length and looks at you for a second. "How'd you get out?" He asks.

"Doesn't matter." You push Steve aside, and hug Nancy.

"I'm so glad you're okay. I can't afford to lose another friend." Nancy states, hugging you tight.

You pull away and smile at your two friends. "So, what do people normally do at parties?" You ask.

Steve and Nancy look at each other and then to you. "Dance and have fun." Steve answers.

"So, you're seriously not gonna tell us how you made it out?" Nancy questions.

You shake your head. "Not the time or place."

Before anyone can say another word, a voice speaks from behind you. "We got ourselves a new Keg King, Harrington."

When you turn around you see probably the most handsome guy in the world. His eyes are a beautiful ocean blue, and his hair is dirty blonde, curly and it's a mullet. But it's not an ugly mullet. It suits the guy in front of you. He himself isn't dressed up, or at least it doesn't look like it. He's wearing a leather jacket with no shirt. His abs look as if they've been chiseled into him.

"Yeah, that's right!" Someone shouts as the three men get closer. There is one person on each side of the fine guy that you can't look away from. The one on his right is dressed up like a karate master, and the other is dressed up as something else.

"Yeah. Eat it, Harrington!" The guy to his left says.

You haven't taken your gaze off of the masterpiece in front of you, and from the looks of it, he hasn't looked away from you either. There's always a setback to cute guys, isn't there? This one smokes.

Steve takes off his sunglasses as Nancy walks away. You'd go after her, but you're just mesmerized. When the fine specimen looks away from you and to Steve, you feel relieved. You take a step back next to your best friend.

Experiment 000: Billy Hargrove X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now