Chapter Fourteen

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Your eyes flutter open, landing on the familiar ceiling of the cabin, your home. Light is shining through the boarded up windows. You look to your left where you see Hopper sitting in the chair as he smokes. Silently, you look around, searching for El.

"What the he—where's El?" You ask as you sit up.

Hopper immediately looks over at you, surprise in his eyes. "Thank God you're okay." He says as he hops up from the chair and hugs you.

"You thought I could die, and you kept me in the cabin? Nice move, Hop." You joke as he holds you at arms length

"I took you, but they said you'd be fine." He explains as he sits next to you.

"Well, I guess they were right. Where's El?" You change the subject. "Is she okay?" You question as you stand up.

"Zee, calm down." Hop says as he stands up as well. "El is completely fine. She's at Joyce's with the others."

"Already?" You ask, looking around. "How long has it been since we closed the gate? An hour? Two?"

"You've been out for two days, Zee." Hop states.

"Two days?" You inquire, looking down at your bare feet. "I've missed way too much school." You say, looking up at Hopper. "I'm gonna head out." You begin walking to your room.

"Head out? Zee, you just woke up after overusing your powers, and you want to go do something?" He asks as he follows behind you.

You turn around when you reach your room. "Hop, I'm completely fine. My head doesn't hurt. I feel good."

He sighs, wiping a stripe down his face. "I think it's a good idea that you take it slow and rest, okay?"

"Rest? Hop, I've been asleep for two days." You say as you turn around and start going through your drawers.

"You know what I mean." He states as he folds his arms over his chest.

"Of course I do." You find some clothes to change into. "But my heart is set on seeing those snot nosed kids." You joke as you set the clothes on your bed. "Now, if you'll excuse me." You use your powers to lightly push him out of the room.

You honestly weren't sure if your powers would still work. The fear of losing your powers is serious. If you didn't have them, would you be able to protect the ones you love? You shake off the thought, and change your clothes.

You strip from your clothes and put on the ones you picked out. A black, long sleeved shirt, jeans, black high top converse, and a dark grey flannel. Your leather jacket is destroyed thanks to the damn Demo-dogs. You'll have to get a new one.

"What's today?" You shout so Hop can hear you.

"Saturday!" Hop yells.

"Thanks!" You say as you tie your shoes.

It doesn't take long for you to open your door, and jog to the front door of the cabin. "See ya, Hop! I'll be back later!" You say before opening the door.

"Wait, where—"

"Bye, Hop!" You smile as you close the door.


You finally make it to the Byers residence, and all is cost was frost bite. Quickly, you hurry up the steps and knock on the door. It only takes a few seconds before Joyce opens the door, her eyes wide.

"Zee, you're okay." She smiles as she pulls you into a hug.

"Yep." You state as she holds you at arms length. "At least I think so."

Experiment 000: Billy Hargrove X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now