Hey dudes!!

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   I decided to give an update on my novel and this story in particular. I will finish writing this book, I promise! I know it's been forever since I put out a chapter but I want to wait until season five comes out. You're probably thinking, girl wtf?

  BUT I need to watch season 5 in order to see if the plan I have in mind will be possible. I had a storyline planned out after watching season three when I first started writing this book, and I still have one but certain things I have in mind may not fit in the future of stranger things. I want it to make since and fit in well.

  I know waiting is freaking awful and I hate it too but it will come, I promise. I'm also halfway finished with my novel and I'm really excited about it! I really do appreciate all of you and I love reading your comments! You guys are amazing and I love you! I hope you're all doing well!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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