Chapter Four

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Flashback: Hawkins Lab. June 23rd, 1982.

You were sitting on your bed, doing some English work when Papa bursted through the door. Your head jerked upwards towards the aged man. "Zero, we need your assistance." He said frantically.

You shook your head. "You don't need me. You have 019." You looked down again, writing the answer down on the paper.

"She's the problem. She's going crazy, killing all of us! She was heading towards Eleven next!" His words made you drop everything you were doing.

You hopped off your bed and your feet carried you past Papa. You walked down the hallway as Papa followed behind you. Your whole mood had been changed. If anything was to happen to El, that would have been it for all of the fuckers who worked there, even Papa, but mostly 019.

"Zee!" Eleven screamed loudly, fear consuming her.

You followed her screams, and finally reached her room. She was being held up against the wall by your clone. Tears were streaming down her face as you showed up. Her nose and ears were bleeding, obviously she tried to use her power, but your clone was too strong. Using your power, you threw your clone across the room, saving El in the process.

"Go!" You shouted to your little sister.

She shook her head. "No." She said, taking your hand in hers.

You turned towards Papa, lifting Eleven in the process. He grabbed her, and ran as she screamed for you. As you closed the door, your clone got up, dusting herself off.

"Weak." She spat, sticking out her hand, and throwing you into the concrete wall.

The wind was knocked out of you as you hit the wall, and then again when you hit the floor. Her footsteps grew closer as memories flashed through your head. Meeting El for the first time was quite the loving experience. Making her laugh for the first time was when you knew you had to protect her, and she was only a baby. You needed to fight. For El. For your sister.

You could feel your power surging through your body as you lifted yourself off the ground. You were floating in mid air as your clone looked into your eyes. She was smirking.

"Once I kill you, Eleven will be next. There can only be one." Her tone was cold and full of wrath.

You shook your head. "You mean only one of us." You put your hand out in front of you, using your ability to hold her still, but you knew she wouldn't last long in the hold, but you did know she wouldn't be able to withstand your and her power together.

It was time to seriously use your mind control ability. You channeled your mind into hers, feeling as if you hopped into her body. Then, you said, "Help me kill you."

Her eyes grew wide as your and your clone's power intertwined together. Your nose started to bleed as your clone was screaming bloody murder. Her brain was being scrambled as you pushed harder, hoping it would all be over soon. Her screams were killing your ears.

Finally, her head exploded, sending pieces of her brain and skull everywhere. You let go of her, falling to the ground as she did. Your head was in such pain as you curled up into a ball. Blood was coming from your nose and ears. You even had a copper taste in your mouth. Your vision was beginning to fade, but before you passed out, you used your ability to tell Eleven that everything was okay. She was safe.

Experiment 000: Billy Hargrove X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now