Chapter Eighteen

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     A week has passed. Billy hasn't said a word to you. When you see him in the halls, he ignores you. He doesn't go to the library for the free period anymore. You've lost him. He wants nothing to do with you. Second period isn't the same without Billy winking at you while he plays basketball with Steve, or Billy flirting with you after the game ends.

There's this weird pit in your chest that feels as if it's swallowing everything whole. Of course this would happen to you. Nothing good could ever happen in your screwed up life. You loved school for the fact that it made you feel normal, but now you hate it. You hate seeing other girls flirt with Billy as you pass by. You're not sure if he flirts back, but you hope he doesn't.

Right now, you're babysitting Dustin. He doesn't really need it, but his mother insisted. He had complained about it to Mike who then told El. And to get you out of the cabin, she told you.

"Zee, are you okay? You've been acting weird since you got here." Dustin's voice brings you back to the real world.

You nod. "Yeah, I'm good." You lie as you lean back on the couch.

"Um, you're a liar." He calls you out.

"It doesn't matter, Dustin. I'll be fine." You state seriously as you sit up on the couch.

He shakes his head. "It does matter. You're my friend. You haven't been cracking jokes, or even watching the movie. You've just been laying there, staring at the ceiling."

You give off a pained chuckle. "Dustin, I'm—"

"If you lie to me, I'll know." He warns as he stands up.

You let out a sigh as your eyes land on his. What could Dustin possibly say or do to help you in this situation? He's a kid.

"I'm waiting." He folds his arms over his chest and starts tapping his foot.

So, you tell him everything. How Steve kissed you when he was drunk, and about what Billy said to Max when you and El were in the dark place. You tell him about your honest feelings right now, and how you weren't even going to come to his house on the chilly Saturday morning.

"So, let me get this straight." He starts pacing back and forth. "Billy hasn't talked to you because he thinks you should be with someone else even after you told him that you loved him?"

You nod. "Yeah." It sounds even worse when someone else says it.

"That's stupid. Because if he knows you love him, then he should know that he's already made you happy somehow." Dustin makes a seriously valid point.

"I guess." You shrug.

He paces some more, rubbing his chin with his fingers. "I got it!" He smiles, turning towards you. "Two things actually." He hurries to the couch and jumps on it.

"Shoot." You speak.

"You can make Billy jealous—"

"Yeah, no. He would be even more convinced that he should give me up to someone else." You shoot down his idea.

"Well, Zero, before I was so rudely interrupted, I was going say you can make Billy jealous or make him realize how happy he makes you." Dustin sasses.

"That's impossible. He won't even talk to me." You state, letting out a sigh afterwards.

A smirk plays at his lips with a nod. "Leave that to me." He says as he stands up and leaves the living room.

You just lean back on the couch, hugging yourself lightly. Hopefully whatever Dustin has planned, helps you out. Billy was one of your main sources of happiness, and now it's gone.

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