Chapter Thirty Four

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You bring the hammer down over your shoulder with as much force as possible, hitting the large metal nail in the unfinished railroad that's mostly covered in a thick white blanket of snow. Dogs are heard barking from every direction. For a moment you rest, glancing up at many other men in front of you that are also working on the railroad. They're dressed in heavy and warm clothing, some of them wearing dark blue and others wearing grey.

On their heads are hats that cover their ears and seem to have fur on the inside. You take in a breath of frigid air, a snowflake entering your mouth as you do so and then let out the warm breath. Your hand reaches up and grabs your own hat and pulls it off. You wipe the small beads of sweat with your covered forearm. The freezing air blows on your cheeks.

"ЧТО ЕТО ЗA АМЕРИКАНЕЦ?" A deep voice questions from behind you before the owner comes into view. "Почему так долго? Вы устали сегодня?"

You place the hat back on your head, towering over the man who is wearing some kind of greenish tan uniform. Atop his head is a fluffy, dark blue hat with flaps that tie at the top. Snowflakes land in his pale skin and some stick too is mustache. His icy eyes scan your features.

You grab the handle of the hammer once more, a deep familiar voice escaping your mouth, "СВИНЬЯ."

Your eyes shoot open, taking in a few breaths as you stare at the living room ceiling. What the hell was that? You sit up, your attention being dragged to the static on the television. You give your eyes a good rub before throwing the blanket on the cushion beside you and stand up.

You glance at the clock and it reads 9:23. A sigh escapes your lips at the realization that work exists and you have to clock in at 11. You hurry over to the window to close the curtains. There's too much sunlight pounding into your eyes for your liking. Before you do, you realize that Billy's car isn't in the driveway. He must be grabbing groceries or something.

Swiftly, you hurry into your room and find your work clothes before making your way to the bathroom that still has no door. You pile your clothes on the floor before meeting your reflection in the mirror. Wet scarlet is dripping out of your nose. You lightly touch it, looking down at the red liquid on your fingertips. Your eyebrows crunch together.

"What the hell?" You lowly question.

"Babe, I brought us breakfast." Billy's voice causes you to jump a bit.

You briskly grab some toilet paper and wipe away the blood as you spin on your heel and watch Billy place the bags of food on the counter. You didn't even hear him come in. When his eyes catch yours, he wastes no time walking to you.

"Are you okay?" He asks as you take the toilet paper away from your nose and nod.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just a nose bleed." You clear your throat and throw the bloodied toilet paper in the garbage. "Why didn't you wake me up? We could've gone together."

He shrugs, "You actually looked peaceful for once. I didn't wanna ruin it." He leans down and pecks your lips. "I haven't seen you sleep like that in a while."

"Speaking of that, I had a really weird dream." You say, stripping from your clothes.

"Oh yeah? What was it about?" He asks, his hands finding your naked hips. "Us trying something new?" His eyes trail down your frame.

You chuckle, "No, horn dog." You grab his hands and place them down by his sides before turning to the shower, opening the curtain and turning the valve. "I think I was in Russia. Maybe a prison." You begin, stepping into the shower and closing the curtain so Billy doesn't get any bright ideas. "I was hammering nails into the ground for a railroad and this guy, I think he was a guard came up next to me and said, 'What is this American? What is taking so long? Are you tired?' It was like he was mocking me."

Experiment 000: Billy Hargrove X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now