Chapter Thirteen

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   "Eleven." Mike says as he walks forward, meeting El in the middle.

"Mike." She says as they bring each other into a hug.

   Oh, young love. It's adorable. Your sister deserves happiness after everything she's been through. You smile as they hug each other tightly, probably thinking about never letting go.

"Is that..." Max trails off, lookin at Mike and El as you walk up to Steve.

  He drops his bat quickly, and brings you in for a hug. "Woah, Stevie, calm down." You chuckle a bit as you wrap your arms around him. 

"If you guys weren't here, I think we'd be puppy chow." He admits, holding you tighter.

   You hold him at arms length, looking in his chocolate eyes. "Duh." You joke. "But seriously, I think you guys could've handled it." You admit, turning towards El and Mike.

"I never gave up on you. I called you every night. Every night for—" Mike is cut off by El.

"353 days." She shakes her head, her eyes closed for a second. "I heard."

"Why didn't you tell me you were there?" Mike asks, looking deep into El's eyes. "That you were okay?"

  Hop wraps an arm around you. "Because I wouldn't let her." He butts in as the two of you walk forward. "The hell is this? Where you been?" Hop asks calmly as the two of you make it to El.

"Where have you been?" She asks as Hopper wraps his other arm around her, bringing the two of you in for a hug.

"You've been hiding them? Hiding El?" Mike begins, obvious anger surging through him as you take a step back next to Steve. "You've been hiding her this whole time!" Mike shoves Hopper. "And you lied about her being gone!" Mike shouts at you.

"Hey!" Hop grabs Mike by the collar, turning towards him. "Let's talk. Alone." Hopper suggests sternly.

   The two of them hurry out of the living room, and to somewhere else in the house. Dustin hurries to you, studying your face as he tries to speak, but nothing comes out of his mouth. A smile spreads across your face as you wrap your arms around him.

"I'm all right, kid." You squeeze him.

"I know. I'm just thanking you for coming back in time." He says as he backs up a bit.

"Well, in that case, you're welcome." You pat his shoulder.

"I'm gonna—I'm gonna say hey to El now." He nods, going back to his spot beside Lucas.

"Weirdo." You mumble playfully as El hugs Lucas and Dustin.

"We missed you." Lucas admits.

  "I missed you, too." El says, still holding on to the boys.

"We talked about you pretty much every day. Both of you." Dustin states as they all back away from each other.

   El looks confused for a second as she stares at Dustin. She brings her hand to his mouth and almost sticks her thumb in it. "Teeth." She says as Dustin swats here hand away.

"What?" Dustin questions.

"You have teeth." El reiterates.

"Oh." He looks over at Lucas. "You like these pearls?" He questions with a large smile, looking back at El. His purring seems to make El uncomfortable.

"Eleven?" Max steps forward. "Hey. I'm—I'm Max." She sticks her hand out. "I've heard a lot about you."

   Your sister looks down at Max's hand and then looks up, drilling holes in her face with her mind. El just walks past Max, and to Joyce. So much for Eleven liking Max...

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