Chapter Twenty Two

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After an awesome night with El and some very much needed sisterly love, work had to come ruin it. El woke up at the crack of dawn and was pacing on the porch when you left for work. You asked her what was up and she said something about Mike being late, but you kind of brushed it off as her overreacting about him not being there. Billy didn't call you this morning to explain which is not starting your day out with a smile. El would probably think you're overreacting if you complained about it.

You had said your goodbyes to her and Hopper before hopping on your motorcycle and hightailing it out of there so you wouldn't be late. Oh, yeah, you have a motorcycle! You worked your ass off to pay for it, second hand of course, but you love it none the less.

And now, you're at work, unfortunately. Your dream has always been serving ice-cream to no good kids. Sarcasm, obviously. There's this one little middle school brat that shows up and tries to hit on you and it's weird. He and his friends are annoying. Speaking of friends, Steve has been talking to you this whole time and you haven't heard a word he's said. You can't help but think about Billy, and at the moment, when you think about him, you get pissed off. He didn't even call you this morning to apologize and he hasn't come in to see you.

"Zee," Steve pulls you back to the real world, "are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah," you nod, your eyes roaming his face.

His eyes narrow for a moment, "Liar, liar, drug supplier."

Your eyebrows grow together, "What?"

"I said 'liar, liar, drug supplier'."

"Steve, it's liar, liar, pants on fire," you correct him, standing up as you do so.

He tilts his head to the right, "No, it's not."

You nod, "Uh, yeah, Steve. It is."

He blinks a couple times, "Um, no, drug supplier makes more sense because they would lie to you to sell their stuff."

He really is an idiot, huh? "Steve, it's not—never mind."

"Pleasure to meet you. Uh, is—is he here?" A familiar voice causes Steve's face to light up.

"Is who here?"

Steve jumps up and hurries to the door, pushing it open like a madman, "Henderson."

You hurry behind him, a little excited to see his reaction to Dustin being home. Dustin's laugh makes you smile as you open the door and watch Steve literally jump for joy.

"Henderson! He's back!" Steve hurries from behind the counter, "He's back!"

"I'm back!" Dustin says happily, "You guys got the job!" His attention lands on you for a moment and then goes back to Steve.

"We got the job!" Steve imitates a trumpet as he makes it to Dustin, holding his hand out. "Hey! Oh!" They both do their little handshake which involves the imitation of lightsabers clashing and Steve getting stabbed with the imaginary saber.

They both laugh as you fold your arms over your chest and take in the scene. Dustin is like the little brother that Steve never got. It's a joy to watch them together.

"How many children are you two friends with?" Robin questions, leaning on the counter.

Steve sighs and scratches his nose, pointing at Robin. The two boys glance at you, waiting for you to say something. With an exaggerated sigh, you grab a small plastic bowl that's shaped like a ship and start piling some ice cream in it for the kid. "It's a long story," you speak.

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