Chapter Three

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Flashback: Hawkins Lab. May 15th, 1981.

It was only you and 011 now. You were fifteen and still continuing your studies. Not only did you have powers, you were extremely smart. El, on the other hand, was forbidden to learn. She was 10. 011 should have been learning just like you, but Papa and the others were scared. Eleven was showing signs of rebellion at a young age. That in itself made you ecstatic. The two of you could escape and finally be free.

You had gotten so much better with your powers, and could even control people's minds for a small amount of time before the pain in your head became too much. The two of you escaping would have been almost flawless.

Eleven had disobeyed Papa when he told her to kill a cat with her mind, so just like everyone else who disobeyed, she was sent to the bad room. But she got out quickly after killing two men who had violently thrown her in. She was scared. All of you were when sent into the bad room.

008 had escaped, and the others were... well, they were gone. Killed by someone thought to you as a friend. Eight was the lucky one. The one you wished you could be right now. She escaped a month ago at the age of 17. She was able to make people see things that weren't there. You didn't really care for 008 much. She always seemed so angry. You understood why she was. Who wouldn't be after spending so many years in a strange lab after being kidnapped? But your anger was different than hers. Hers was raging into an uncontrollable fire while yours was more of contained flames.

You hated so many people in the lab, but others couldn't help their situation. Many of the people in the lab were forced to work there by Papa. A lot of them didn't want to hurt you, but others didn't care about what they did.

Papa acted like he didn't want to hurt you, but you knew he could care less about you. You were nothing but a weapon to him. Eleven was only trained to use her abilities. She wasn't trained to fight like you.

  You felt oppressed even though you were the strongest person in the whole lab. Maybe even the world. You were just a slave to Papa and most of the others. They used you for your powers, just as they had used every other test subject. You weren't allowed to meet with each other unless accompanied by Papa or someone else, who was armed at all times. There were a few nights, when most of you met in the rainbow room which wasn't used anymore. You had focused as everyone spoke, telling the others who couldn't make it to the meeting what was happening with your mind. You had planned how to escape many times, and even taught some of the younger subjects how to speak a little bit of English since you were the only completely educated one of the bunch.

  You were so tired of the same old routine. The only time you enjoyed was teaching and working with El, but there was a point when 011 was showing signs of rebellion towards Papa, and not just you. You and Eleven were separated against each other's will. 

From then on, you were alone again. You missed the girl you called your sister. She was up to different things. Though the two of you shared an ability, she had one that was special. She could channel into another dimension. One that didn't really have a name. You only knew about it because you read Papa's mind. He would think about it a lot. The others who knew about it were also helpful even though they didn't know it.

  Even though you were alone, it wasn't always like that. You would speak to El with your mind, and with the limited vocabulary she had, answered back.

The more you practiced over the years, the less likely you were to have nosebleeds. You hadn't had a nosebleed unless you were controlling someone's mind. The longest you could hold someone under your influence was five minutes, and even then, that was so painful.

  Sometimes, you would lay in your bed and look around the room that you were allowed to decorate to mimic a normal teenage girl's room. At times you could trick yourself into thinking you were normal, but it didn't last long.

One day, after taking a skin sample from you, Papa came into the room and told you that he had a surprise. So, he took your hand and led you to a room you hadn't been to before.

In the room were a bunch of guards and scientists, and in front of them, a girl. Not just any girl, no. She had (y/e/c) eyes, (y/h/l) (y/h/c) hair, and (y/s/c) skin. This girl wasn't just any girl, no. This girl was you. You had been cloned.

"This is subject 019. She is exactly like you in every way. Well, almost every way." Papa placed a hand on your shoulder. "She has your powers and knowledge of your powers, and she won't rebel because she is like a robot. There's not soul, no moral compass. She's obedient."

You couldn't believe your eyes. You had successfully been cloned and no one seemed to care. Your breath was having trouble making it out. Your palms were sweating.

"Now, we don't need you or Eleven." He admitted, turning you towards him.

"So, what? You're gonna kill us?" You sternly questioned, using your ability to hold Papa still while also lifting him in the air.

He shook his head. "Zero, put me down." He ordered softly.

"No! I'm not letting you kill Eleven! Kill me if you want, but-" Before you could finish, you were thrown against the wall forcefully, causing your breathing to become difficult.

Your breath was forced out of you again as you hit the ground. You looked up as your clone walked towards you. She looked down at you, and kicked you in the stomach. You held your arms around your aching torso and coughed.

"Do not hurt Papa." Her tone along with her face was emotionless.

Before you could get up, she used her power to knock you out. When you had come to, you were in your room. There was an ache not only in your stomach, but also on the right side of your nose. You brought your hand up to the dull ache, and touched your right nostril. There was something there that wasn't before.

   Swiftly, you sat up despite the pain in your probably bruised stomach. You hurried over to the vanity near your bed, and looked at yourself. A silver hoop was pierced through your right nostril while you were knocked out. Why? What would be the point? Maybe to tell the difference between you and your new clone since she could basically imitate you in any way, and no one would know the difference.

  As you looked at yourself longer, you came to like the look. A nose piercing wasn't something you ever thought of asking for, but now that you had it, it looked nice on you. It reminded you that you were the original creation, not that soulless piece of flesh.

Experiment 000: Billy Hargrove X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now