Chapter Eight

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A scent brings you out of dream world. The meaty, greasy smell of bacon fills your nostrils. You sit up, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. Steve's parents never make breakfast. Are they even home? You look down at Steve's makeshift bed, and see that he's not there.

Your head is pounding. What even happened last night? You remember going to the Halloween party, meeting Billy, becoming Keg Queen, and then the nightmare you had. You uncover yourself, and make your way into the hallway, the scent of breakfast filling your senses.

You take your time going down the steps so you don't fall from closing your eyes for a second. The light in his house is too much to take in when your head feels like this. It almost feels like you're using your powers too much.

When you make it to the kitchen, you spot Steve putting bacon on two plates. "Hey, Steve." You announce yourself as you walk to the kitchen table.

"Hey, Keg Queen." He jokes, grabbing the two plates.

"Haha, very funny." You rub your temple with your eyes closed as he walks over and sets a plate in front of you.

"How are you feeling?" He asks as he sits down in front of you.

"Like I've overused my powers." You answer, opening your eyes.

He chuckles as he brings some food to his mouth, using his other hand to point next to your plate."How was your first time being drunk?"

You roll your eyes as your bring a piece of bacon to your lips. "I don't remember a damn thing besides meeting Billy, becoming Keg Queen, and the nightmare I had in the middle of the night." You explain and then take a bite of the bacon and look where he's pointing. You pop the pills in your mouth and wash them down with some milk.

He laughs a little. "So, you don't remember using your powers on Billy or saying you were in love with him?"

You almost choke on the piece of bacon. "I said I was in love with him?!" You ask, covering your mouth.

He nods as you grab the glass of milk that was already on the table when you got there. "Oh, also, when I told you that you were gonna blow your cover, you said you'd never blow your cover, you'd rather blow Billy." He says as you take a drink.

You spit the milk back in the glass after choking on it, milk getting on your face. "Did he hear me say that?" You ask as you wipe your face. Your eyes grow wide. "Did I say that to him!?"

Steve shakes his head. "No, but you probably would've if I didn't drag you out."

"Did Nancy get home safe?" You ask as you calm down a bit.

He shrugs. "I don't know, I guess." He looks down at his food and picks at it.

They must have had an argument last night. "What happened?" You question, taking a bite of the pancake.

He shakes his head and scoffs. "She said that we killed Barb. Said that I was bullshit, everything was bullshit. Oh, and she doesn't love me."

Oh shit... The truth comes out when the alcohol hits. You always thought they were the perfect couple. They seemed so in love, but you guess everything isn't always as it seems.

"Steve...maybe she didn't—"

"She meant it." He finally looks up at you, his eyes full of sorrow.

He loves her, you know that. But if she doesn't love him, there's no use in staying with her. "Are you going to talk to her about it?" You question.

He shrugs. "I don't know yet, but what I do know—" He pauses and stands up, grabbing his dish in the process. "I have to get to school. Want me to drive you home?" He takes his dish to the sink.

Experiment 000: Billy Hargrove X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now