Chapter Fifteen

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   "Hop, what the hell do I do?" You exclaim as you rush around the cabin, looking for something to wear.

"Zee, what are you talking about?" He asks as El comes out of her room.

"I have a date and I don't know what to do or say! I don't know what to wear!" You continue freaking out as you rush back into your room.

"A date? You have a date?" He questions, unbelievability written all over his face. "With who? That Billy kid?"

"Yes." You answer, grabbing a shirt from your drawer, and throwing it on your bed. "What did girls do that impressed you, Hop?"

"Zee, calm down. It's obvious you two like each other, so it's not like that can change in a night." He reasons as he leans on the door frame.

You make eye contact, giving him your best bitch face. "He could somehow find out that I've been lying about who I really am, and become afraid of me."

Hop shakes his head. "I'm gonna give you some advice." He says, taking a few steps towards you, his hands placing themselves on your shoulders. "If he finds out something important about you, and doesn't want to be with you because of it, he's not worth your time."

You nod. "Yeah, but, Hop, I really like this guy." You take a step back, digging through your drawers again.

"And I'm sure he likes you, too, but if he can't handle who you are, then it would be a waste." He reasonably speaks.

"Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Hop." You smile up at him as you find a black and maroon striped shirt.

"Oh, that reminds me—" Hop cuts himself off as he hurries out of your room. "I got you somethin'." He comes back into your room with his hands behind his back.

"Really?" You question, laying the shirt on your bed.

He nods, bringing his hand out from behind his back. In his left hand is a black leather jacket that looks nicer than the one you had before. A smile erupts on your lips as you throw yourself on Hopper, hugging him tight.

"Thanks, Hop." You thank him, taking a step back. "I'll see you after my date." You go back to finding some clothes.

"Now, about Billy—"

"Bye, Hop! I gotta get ready!" You sing song as you use your powers to gently push him out.

"Zee, I need to—"

"Thanks again, Hop!" You laugh as you close the door.

   Swiftly, you throw on the shirt you found, blue jeans, your white converse, and then do light makeup. It's about 5:30 in the evening, and the walk will take a while. You throw your new jacket on, and head out of your room.

  Hopper and El stand there with smile son their faces. "Pretty." She states.

"You look good, kid." Hop concurs. "Want me to drive you to the theater?"

You shake your head. "I think I'll be good."

"You sure? Ya know what? I'm taking you. I'm not gonna let you get sick." Hopper says as he walks around to find his keys.


"Meet you in the truck." He says as he finds his keys and walks to the door.

You chuckle as you walk to El. "How did you enjoy your day with Mike and the others?" You ask.

"It was fun. I liked it." She smiles up at you.

"That's good, kiddo." You hug her. "When I get home, we can watch a movie. For the past few days I've been in my own little world." You somewhat joke. "I'll be home around ten o'clock, okay?" You ruffle her hair.

Experiment 000: Billy Hargrove X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now