Chapter Nine

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You awaken to Joyce's voice. Your eyes flutter open and then you sit up. "Flo, it's Joyce again." She speaks.

You uncover yourself and stand up. "He's still not there? Did he get any of my messages from yesterday? Did you give—" she cuts herself off as you stretch. "No, no, I need Hopper."

Your body runs cold at the sound of his name. Of course you love Hopper, but he basically kicked you out. He can't know you're staying with Joyce.

"Just tell him to call me the second he gets in. Please. Thank you." She hangs up the phone as you walk into the kitchen

Her eyes meet yours and a small smile plays at her lips. "Hey, sweetie. Sleep well?"

You nod. "Yeah, but I need you to do me a favor." You hold your hands behind your back.

A concerned look spreads across her face. "Sure. Anything."

"You can't tell anyone that I'm staying here. Not even Hopper." You attempt to make it all inclusive but you're only worried about Hop figuring it out.

She nods. "Okay." She doesn't ask questions.

When the two of you hear footsteps, you turn to who's making them. Will is walking down the hall in his pjs.

"Hey. How are you feeling, sleepyhead?" Joyce questions as she walks to her soon, ruffling his hair a bit. "Any better?"

"Mmm-mmm." He answers negatively.

"Same as last night? Still weird?" Joyce asks as Will sits down at the table.

"Yeah." Will answers as Joyce kneels down and lifts her hand to his head.

She feels a couple spots on his face. "Hmm."

She hurries to get a thermometer, leaving you with Will. When she's out of sight, you sit next to the sick boy.

"Last night, I read your mind." You catch his attention. "Why didn't you want me to tell her what I saw?"

"I don't want her to worry about...that thing. I'm just sick..." He answers.

"You're not just sick. Will, what I saw was horrifying—"

"You only saw it. I felt it. When I was on the field, it saw me, but this time I didn't run. I faced it, told it to go away, but it found every way into me. Pieces of it were inside of me..." As he explains, his eyes begin to water.

"Will, we can stop these if you—"

"Found it!" Joyce jogs back into the kitchen, thermometer in hand. She sticks it inside of Will's mouth and waits. After about a minute, she checks it. "Okay, let me see." She glances at the glass thermometer.

She looks confused as she tries to figure out what is going on.

"Is it a fever?" Will asks.

"No. Uh, actually, it's cold." She looks at her son. "Do you feel cold?"

"No. Just a little out of it. Like I haven't really woken up yet." He admits.

Joyce puts the thermometer down and opens her mouth to speak, but Will beats her to it. "You promised no doctor."

"And I meant it. No doctor." She assures him.

Something is very wrong with Will. He saw that big black silhouette and it got inside of him. That in itself can't be good.

"You know what? I'm gonna run you a nice bath and it'll warm you up, and hopefully get you feeling better. How's that sound?" She questions.

Will just nods. "Okay." She says as she stands up.

Experiment 000: Billy Hargrove X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now