Chapter Thirty Three

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     "Hopper, I'm so sorry." You sob, holding his hand as he lay there bleeding out in the vast darkness around you.

"You should have come with me. I'd be alive." He says, blood staining his teeth as some more scarlet drips out of his mouth.

"I know!" You hold his hand tighter with your other one on his wound attempting to close it. "I'm sorry, dad, I'm so sorry! Please!" You cry out.

Hopper's eyes begin to fight their ultimate end. His breathing becomes less frequent, his grip on your hand becoming looser. "Why weren't you..." he pauses, taking in a breath, "there for me?"

"Hop, please, don't leave me." You beg, "I'm sorry please don't go!" You rest your head on his chest as he lets out his last breath. You shoot up, your eyes wide as your breathing becomes even more shallow. "No!" You scream, "Dad, no!"

"(Y/n)!" Billy's frantic voice along with the shaking allows you to come back to the real world. His watery eyes are full of worry and his chest is rising and falling.

You glance around, taking in your surroundings. You're in your room and you're safe. It was just a nightmare. You turn to Billy, noticing the wet warmth on your cheeks. Wasting no time, you wipe your cheeks dry.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." You apologize, kicking the blanket off of yourself.

"Are you okay?" He questions as you stand up, making your way to the door.

  "I'm fine." You answer, hurrying to the kitchen.

  The sunlight pours into the cabin, a comfortable warmth within your home. Footsteps are heard behind you as you make it to the sink, resting your hands on in and leaning on it a bit.

  "Hey," Billy softly speaks as he gently takes your wrist in his hand and turns you around to face him, "Sweetheart, don't do that."

  You look away, "Do what?"

  "Act like you're okay," his hands snake to your hips as your eyes meet his, "You can talk to me."

    You shake your head, breaking free of Billy's gentle grasp and grabbing a glass from the cabinet, "It was just a dream, Billy. It wasn't anything serious." You speak, bringing the glass to the sink and filling it up with water. You bring the glass up to your lips and take a sip.

  "You said his name. Called him dad." His words cause you to freeze.

  Swallowing hard, you place the glass on the counter. "It was just a dream." You lowly speak before facing him again.

  "This isn't the first time this has happened. You know that right?" He questions, his eyes scanning your features. "Ever since that night, I've heard you cry in your sleep, cry out to him in your sleep."

  Your eyes fall, "They're just dreams. Let it go." Your voice is low and soft.

  "(Y/n), I—"

  "Just drop it, Billy!" Your voice raises before storming away from him.

  "I won't just fucking drop it!" He shouts back.

  You spin on your heel, Billy almost crashing into you, "They're just fucking dreams!"

  "You wake up crying almost every fucking morning! You cry out to him, begging him not to leave you and that you're sorry!" He yells, your bottom lip beginning to tremble, not from fear but from the facts. He's right. You've been dreaming about Hopper ever since Star Court. You can't get away from your guilt in your waking life or your dreaming one. Your eyes begin to water.

Experiment 000: Billy Hargrove X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now