Chapter Sixteen

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"I hate Billy's dad." You admit as you lay upside down on Steve's bed. "He doesn't want us together. Billy told me that his dad blames him for his mother leaving, and if he can't be happy, then neither can Billy."

"That's so fucked up." Steve shakes his head as he paces. "What kind of dad would say that?"

"A piece of garbage." You mumble as you make a connection between Papa and Neil, Billy's father. Neil is keeping Billy basically locked away, just like Papa did to you. They're both controlling as well.

"Sounds about right." Steve says as you sit up, the room spinning a bit from sitting up too fast.

"Let's just head to the party." You suggest as you stand in front of Steve's mirror, fixing your ugly Christmas sweater. It's blue with a snowman on it.

Steve's is red with Santa Claus on it. You both decided to go to a Christmas Party since you've never been to one. People throw parties for almost every holiday.

"Is Billy going?" Steve asks as you both walk out of his room.

You shake your head. "His dad won't let him go out tonight. Plus, he said he wouldn't wear an ugly sweater even if it was the last piece of clothing on Earth." You explain as you hurry down the stairs.

"Damn, his dad seems like a real asshole." Steve states as you open the door.

"Yeah, I know. He reminds me of Papa." You admit as you walk out of the house as Steve follows behind you.

"I don't know if anyone can be as sick as that son of a bitch." Steve says as he opens the car door as you do the same, quickly getting in.

Memories of what you saw the first time you went to Billy's house come rushing back. Neil shoved Billy up against some shelves, and hit him. You felt so bad for your boyfriend, but you didn't want to make it worse on him.

"I'm not sure about that..." You trail off as you look out the window, taking in a falling snow.

  You've never actually seen snow before. There's always been something about it that's calming. Hopefully it stays until tomorrow so that you can have the white Christmas you've always wanted.

    "Hey, you okay?" Steve brings you out of your thoughts as he parks his car near the sidewalk on the opposite side of the house.

You nod. "I'm good. I was just thinking." You say as you get out of the car.

"About?" He asks as he gets out of the car.

You shrug. "Nothing serious. I just hope there will be snow tomorrow."

"Oh. That's so not exciting. I was hoping you wanted to hate on Billy's dad some more." He says as you meet up with him.

"I don't wanna think about him anymore. We're supposed to have fun." You state as you get close enough to hear some Christmas music playing inside of the the huge house. You would love to tell Steve every little thing you hate about Neil, but it always leads to thinking about how he beats Billy.

  "Steve, (y/n)! You made it!"Ally, a girl that you made friends with in History class, exclaims as she gives you both a hug, pulling you out of your thoughts yet again.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." You smile as she takes a step back. "Sorry we're late though." You apologize as you all step inside. "Steve's fault though. His hair had to be perfect." You mess around, causing Steve to roll his eyes.

She giggles a bit, eying Steve as she bites her lip. "Well, that is one of his best features." She flirts, her blue eyes shining.

   You look up at Steve as he seems to blush a bit. Hopefully they'll hit it off while you're gone. "You two have fun, I'm getting something to drink." You excuse yourself.

Experiment 000: Billy Hargrove X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now