Chapter Twelve

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    When you finally come to, the bus is stopped. There are some people getting off. The old lady is gone. You stand up and hurry off the bus. When you step off, you take in the night around you. There are many tall buildings that you've only seen in magazines and movies. It's honestly beautiful. But you don't have time to gaze upon the city.

  You walk down the end of the street and make a left, brushing past many people. Then, you make another left, coming up on Windy City Pawn. Your feet carry you across the street and down the alley of the homeless people. You pay no mind to their chilling talks to themselves as you pass by.

   Finally, you make it to the graffitied tunnel. It takes about a minute or two to reach the end. Then you see it. The building El saw. It's large, probably an abandoned factory. Through the small glass pane engineered into the door is light from a fire.

  You walk up to it, using your power to open the door. Standing around the fire are five people, one of them being 008.

"Where's El?" You announce yourself as you close the door.

They all turn to you as the tall pale guy with a mohawk pulls out a knife. "Now, who the hell are you?" He asks, pointing the blade at you as you get closer to them.

"How did you find us?" The small girl with the crazy hair questions as she folds her arm over her chest.

"Doesn't matter. Where's El?" You sternly speak clenching your fists down by your sides.

"Who's El?" A girl with caramel colored skin asks as she moves to get a better view of you.

"The girl that came in here before me." You answer.

"Are you talking about Jane?" 008 questions as she moves forward.

"She's going by that name now?" You shake your head. "Then, yeah, I guess."

"Why are you looking for her?" Eight presses on.

"Because El is my little sister, and I'm here to take her home." You answer, watching the guy with the mohawk get closer with his knife.

"Axel, it's okay. Back off." Eight says, putting an arm to the tall guy.

"Kali, it's not okay. These people just keep finding us! That could put us in danger!" He exclaims.

"Do we need a retake with the spiders?" Eight questions.

He doesn't say anything. You roll your eyes, sticking out your hand a bit, calling his knife to you. They stand there dumbfounded.

"You're from Hawkins lab?" Eight asks as she moves closer to you.

"No, it's just a really good party trick." You stare down at her as she stands only inches away from you.

Her eyes grow wide as she seems to remember something. "You're Zero."

You nod. "Nice to see you, Eight. Now, tell me where El is."

"No need to be so rude." The girl with the crazy hair says.

"Please, call me Kali. That's my real name." She pulls up her left sleeve, showing you her number.

"You can call me Zero or (y/n)." You state, pulling up your left sleeve. "Now, take me to El."

Kali nods. "This way." She says, turning around. She leads you up the stairs and to a room.

In the room is furniture. A desk, chairs, a bed, and most importantly on the bed sits El. You smile, running to her and plopping down beside her.

"El, I was so worried when you didn't answer me." You take her in your arms, hugging her tight.

Experiment 000: Billy Hargrove X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now