Chapter 1- She Took Him

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Wilbur POV

Wilbur loved his little brother more than anything. With his bright blue eyes and golden hair, he was easy to love. His laugh was contagious and seemed to brighten every room. He was only six and yet, Wilbur couldn't be more proud of him. He just wanted to protect that innocent smile.

"Wilby! Come on!" the little boy called, giggling.

"Hang on, Toms." Wilbur chuckled, slinging his guitar on his back. He had promised to take Tommy out to the garden. With the youngest prince being so young, he always had to have someone with him when going outside.

"Hurry up! You're taking forever!" he whined, jumping up and down.

"I'm coming." he ruffled the boy's hair, earning a laugh. 

They walked down the hallways, smiling at the servants and nodding to the guards. The royals were loved by everyone, which certainly made the castle a brighter place to live. They made their way to the garden, Tommy running ahead.

"Careful Toms!" Wilbur shouted, not able to ease his concern.

"I'll be fine Wilby!" Tommy called back, chasing a butterfly.

Wilbur smiled at the nickname. He loved when Tommy called him that. He sat beneath a tree, keeping an eye on his younger brother. He leaned back, beginning to strum his guitar.

Tommy bounced back upon hearing the music. He wouldn't miss hearing Wilbur sing for anything. He sat in front of his older brother, eager to listen.

Wilbur began to sing, making everything feel so right. Suddenly nothing else mattered except the two of them, sitting beneath their favorite tree. 

Tommy began to hum softly, a grin emerging. He loved these times with his big brother. 

If only things could stay that way.


 Wilbur carried back a very sleepy Tommy, careful not to wake him. He brought his little brother to his room, laying him on the bed. He smiled softly, kissing his forehead and tucking him in. 

"Good night Toms. Love you, my sweet baby brother."

He carefully left the room, gently shutting the door behind him. That's when he heard it, arguing. It was surprising to hear. His parents hardly argued and when they did it was usually resolved without yelling.

He was about to go see what the fuss was about when he felt a hand grasp his arm. He turned to see his older brother Techno. His long pink hair sank beneath his shoulder, desperately needing to be taken care of. His amber eyes were cold, but Wilbur always found light in them.

"Hey Techno. Do you know what they're arguing about?" he questioned.

"Best not to get involved." Techno advised. "I was wondering if you were up for some sparring?"

"At this hour?" Wilbur raised an eyebrow.

"We haven't really been able to practice since Tommy's been staying up later. But since he's asleep we shouldn't have to worry about him feeling left out." Techno explained.

"Alright." he agreed, adjusting his beanie. "As long as we're back before Toms wakes up. He hates waking up alone."

"Fair enough."

The duo snuck towards the training area, avoiding any guards. Their father didn't like them training so late at night and they certainly didn't want to upset him this late at night.

If only they would have stayed, maybe they could have stopped it.


Wilbur fell backwards, landing on his back. He sighed, shaking his head. They had been at this for hours. It was nearly dawn.

"Nice try, but you need better balance." Techno offered him a hand which he quickly took.

"Thanks." he glanced towards the rising sun. "We should probably get back, before Tommy wonders where we are."

"Its all about Tommy, isn't it?" the older teased.

Wilbur chuckled, "Of course it is. Tommy is our world now. Don't pretend like you don't go soft for him too."

"I will admit no such thing." Humor sparked in his eye.

They both laughed, beginning to make their way to the younger's room. They joked, making fun of each other and sharing grins.

Suddenly a soft noise arose from down the hall. Towards their father's room. The two exchanged a look before rushing towards the noise.

There their father lay, sobbing into his pillow. This was a new sight for the brothers. They had never seen their father look so broken, so fragile.


Phil looked up, almost crying more at the sight of them. He held his arms out, urging them to come towards him. The two hugged him, still unsure of what was going on.

"What's wrong?" Wilbur asked softly.

"They're gone."

"Who?" Techno said, puzzled.

"Your mother... and she took Tommy."

Wilbur felt his blood run cold. No. He sprinted out of the room and towards his little brother's room. He threw the door open, not noticing Techno behind him. 

He searched every corner of the room, every place Tommy would usually hide. But he wasn't there. Tears creeped out of his eyes as his knees buckled.

His baby brother was gone.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hope you like it! This should be a lot of fun to write. ^_^


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