Chapter 4- What's Happening?

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Tommy POV

Tommy relaxed in the barn, overtaken by the peaceful quiet. No yelling just peace. Clementine laid in his lap as he stroked her fur.

The snapping of a twig made Tommy's head snap up. He searched for the cause of the noise, assuming it was a bird. However there was nothing there.

Confused, he stood up after gently moving the cat off him. He stopped at the barn door, surveying the area. His eyes narrowed on the forest, but still saw nothing. A bad feeling arose in his stomach, causing him to take a step back towards the safety of the barn.

The sound of breaking glass filled his ears as his vision blurred. He tried to maintain his balance, but he found he couldn't control it. He sunk to the ground, his eyes fluttering closed as he tried to fight to stay awake.

No matter how hard he tried, it wasn't enough.



Bring him back. You know what to do.

Bad sighed, moving closer to the young blonde. He couldn't help but feel bad for the kid. But orders were orders and he couldn't risk losing his best friend.

He carefully picked up the boy, making sure not to hurt him. 

Don't try any funny business again. You know what's on the line.

Bad shook his head, attempting to clear his thoughts. It never worked though, he was always there. Always reading every thought the demon had.

He studied the blonde, surprised that no one had recognized him as the prince yet. He looked exactly like the king, sharing his face shape, eyes, and hair. 

Bad felt Tommy shiver in his arms. He didn't say anything about not being nice. Bad decided the least he could do was make sure the kid was comfortable. He took his cloak off, wrapping it gently around the younger.

He began walking back towards his horse that was grazing a few yards away. He put his finger to his lips and let out a quiet whistle, alerting the horse.

Immediately the black horse galloped over, stopping just beside him. Bad carefully laid Tommy down close to the horse's mane. He smiled, "We're going to have to ride as softly as we can, alright Pebbles?"

The horse nuzzled into his leg, nibbling on his pants gently. Bad chuckled, running his fingers along the horse's mane. He quickly mounted, carefully moving Tommy to where he wouldn't fall off.

He snapped the reins, taking Pebbles into a light run.


??? POV

He succeeded. Its crazy how much he cares for his best friend, the man chuckled. He glanced towards his prisoner who lay on the ground, bloodied and bruised.

"If only your best friend wasn't so weak and predictable."

The prisoner didn't respond, mostly because he didn't have the energy to do so. That and he knew he couldn't handle anymore beatings.

"It's all coming together."


Hope you liked the chapter! Sorry it was a little short. I'll probably post again this weekend, we'll see...

Who's ???... you'll see ^_^


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