Chapter 2- Nine Years

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Tommy POV

Today was the day! He was finally turning 15! He could hardly believe it. He jumped out of bed, a grin spreading across his face. 

His room was small, only sharing a bed and a desk. His walls were a bright red, reflecting his favorite color. He pulled on his clothes, running out of his room and towards the kitchen.

His mother stood there, like she always did, making breakfast. She had curly brown hair and soft brown eyes. It was strange that he looked nothing like her. His golden hair and bright blue eyes didn't even look similar.

"Good morning Thomas!" she smiled brightly. He never liked that name, it was too formal, too strange. He wasn't allowed to have an opinion on it, he had learned that lesson the hard way. His mother was a very stubborn woman, who would stop at nothing to have what she wanted.

"Good morning Mother." he returned a smile. He grabbed an apple, taking a bite out of it. "Guess what today is?"

"The first day of Summer?" she questioned, raising an eyebrow.

He sighed, she never remembered. Whether it was from habit or choice he wasn't sure. It was best not to even bring it up. Why did he even hope anymore? It was a miracle he even knew his own birthday.

"Yes! The first day of Summer!" he exclaimed, trying to seem happy. It was far more difficult than it sounded.

"Why don't you go start on your chores while I run into town?" she suggested sweetly.

"Can I come-"

"Thomas. My answer will always be no."

"But I can help-" he began.

"Thomas. I will not tolerate disobedience." she warned, her soft eyes now a death trap.

He nodded, "Sorry." He just wanted to see someone, to make friends. He felt like he was missing something in his life and he assumed it had to be social interaction.

"You know I am only harsh because I love you, right?" she asked, pulling on a cloak.

He nodded once more, accepting it for what it was.

"Good. I'll be back in a few hours Thomas. You know the rules." 

And his mother left, granting him a peaceful silence.

He sighed, would she ever remember? He shook his head, beginning to clean the house. It was a hard job, but doing it everyday made it easier. When that was done, he made his way to the barn.

They didn't own many animals, only a cow and a few chickens. A cat lingered around as well, earning the name Clementine from Tommy. He knew his mother wouldn't be pleased if she found out, but Tommy allowed her to stay.

The gray cat appeared, meowing at the sight of him. He smiled, leaning down to run his fingers through her fur. "Hello Clem, how are you?"

The cat only purred, rubbing its head against his leg. 

He walked towards the other animals, feeding the chickens before moving towards the cow. The cow's name was Henry and he was still young, only being a little over a year old.

Tommy had rescued him from a pack of wolves a few months ago and the young boy grew to love the cow. "Hey Henry, how are you feeling today?"

The cow mooed, running its head against Tommy's arm. Tommy smiled, patting him.

He leaned against the wall, thankful for the extra hours of quiet. He sighed. He was missing something, he knew he was. The question was, what was it?

If only he knew that at the same moment Wilbur was thinking about him, singing their favorite song.

Even in the peace, trouble always seemed to find Tommy. And today was no different.

A shadow lingered in the woods, its eyes locked on the young boy.

Master would be pleased.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I decided to add another chapter in the same week. Hope you have a wonderful day!


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