Chapter 38- We Never Stood A Chance

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... You guys are going to hate me so much in these chapters.... but it has to be done.

Skeppy POV

There were so many. So many more than we could have ever predicted. With Skeppy still recovering and Bad still being fragile, they were already at a disadvantage.

Even their army knew that. Somehow they knew that they weren't coming home.

"Bad stay close to me!" Skeppy yelled, wanting to keep his best friend in his sight as much as possible. He couldn't lose him, he just couldn't. Not after everything they had been through together.

"I'm trying!" Bad shouted back, knocking back a few enemies.

Skeppy was nearly pushed over by the strength of his attacker. He swung his feet out, tripping the man successfully. Quickly he stabbed him in the chest, running over to help Bad.

Bad panted, glancing at him briefly. "We're not making it out of this, are we?"

Skeppy grabbed his hand, squeezing it in hopes of providing what little comfort he could. "If we die today, we die together."

Bad met his glassy eyes, nodding. At least they had each other.

Suddenly Skeppy was thrown to the ground along with Bad. Before he could even catch his breath he felt a blade at his throat.

It was like time stood still as more and more of their army fell. It was clear that they never stood a chance from the start, They had walked straight into their deaths.

Skeppy felt himself being pulled up by his hair. He had to hold back a cry of pain. "Where is your king?" the soldier demanded, still holding the sword to his neck.

"I'm not telling you," he croaked. He knew they would figure it out, but at least he could buy them a little more time.

The soldier chuckled. "I suggest you give another answer or you'll find a sword slitting your throat." His words were like poison.

"I'm dead either way." Skeppy spat, glaring towards the man. 

"You couldn't be more right."

Pain shot through his body as the sword plunged through his heart. He cried out as his body was dropped to the ground.

"Skeppy!" Bad screamed.

"Oh don't worry, you'll be joining him." another man smirked, stabbing his own sword through the demon's heart. Bad screamed in pain as the blood began to pour from his mouth. His body crumbled to the floor as he began to shake violently.

The men began to laugh before, continuing making their rounds with the army. They left no survivors.

"S-Skeppy." Bad whimpered, tears falling. "I-I'm scared."

Skeppy reached out, grabbing his trembling hand. "It's okay, you've got me."

Their grip never loosened even as they took their final breath.


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Hope you have an amazing day!


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