Chapter 30- I Never Stopped Loving You

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Phil POV

Phil sighed, finally pushing away the pile of papers in front of him. Finally he could stop being king, even if just for a few hours.

His door suddenly flew open and his two sons raced in. He was on his feet in an instant, concerned by the sudden action.

"What is it? What's wrong?!" he demanded.

"You're not going to believe this." Wilbur began. "We went to Sam-"

"Did I not make myself clear about you not leaving?" Phil glared, feeling his anger begin to rise. Could his sons ever listen? 

"Well yes- but-"

"You disobeyed me. Why can you never listen?!" Phil groaned. "No fighting lessons, in fact no swords for a month... maybe more-"

"Just listen!" Techno shouted, making Phil finally stop.

"We found him."

All time seemed to stand still at his words. "What?"

"He said-"

"I know what he said." Phil stopped him. "Where-" 

And there Tommy stood. Biting his lip, unsure of what to do. He was so much older, yet still so young at the same time. He looked so much like Phil it was amazing. The same messy blonde hair, but it was the eyes that really stood out. They were the same as they were nine years ago. As bright as the sky and as big as the ocean.

"Hey Dad-" 

Phil rushed to him, pulling him into a hug. Tears poured freely, but he didn't care. He was holding his son. His living, breathing son. Tommy buried his face in Phil's chest, feeling so small in that moment. Phil only tightened his grip, shielding him from the world around him.

A few minutes passed before Wilbur cleared his throat. "So... are we still grounded?"

Tommy laughed, filling them room with the joy that had been missing for so long.

"We're having a moment Wilbur." Phil scowled. He grabbed Wilbur's arm, who grabbed Techno's, dragging them into the hug. He held his sons close.

Never wanting to let them go again.


Tubbo POV

Tubbo glanced at Puffy, who had her head in her hands. He sighed, knowing that she was probably feeling as much dread as he was. Maybe they could help each other.

He walked towards her, sitting beside her. "He'll be okay."

She looked up in surprise, not realizing someone had sat beside her.

"Dream's the strongest person I know." Tubbo continued, "He can make it through this."

Puffy sighed, "I don't know what I'm going to do if he doesn't."

"He spoke of you a lot. He misses you." Tubbo glanced towards her. "He didn't regret fulfilling his dream, but he regretted leaving you." 

Puffy began crying from that. Tubbo opened his arms up, offering the best thing he could. A hug. She didn't hesitate to accept the gesture.

Sometimes a hug is all you need.


Kristen POV

As soon as she saw the boys walk out of Phil's office, she knew she needed answers. She had wondered them for so long and being so close to answers was torturing.

She slowly walked in, seeing Phil staring out a window.

"I didn't think I would ever see you again." he commented, not looking at her.

"I guess you were wrong." she replied. "I bet you're upset about it too."

"I never said I didn't want to see you." 

"Really?" she rolled her eyes bitterly. "You sure have a strange way of showing it." Part of her considered just walking out, perhaps seeing if he would actually come after her. But it was like her feet were glued to the ground. She just couldn't bring herself to move.

He sighed, finally turning towards her. He smiled at the sight of her. "You look beautiful, that certainly hasn't changed."

"Don't." Kristen muttered. She was angry, and complimenting her wasn't going to resolve that. But what made her even madder was that she still cared for him. She still wanted to run into his arms.

Phil stiffened, hurt by her bitterness. "I never stopped loving you."

"You chose being king over loving me. That's not love." she spat. "You left me."

"I didn't." he shook his head. "I offered you a place by my side, but you were the one who refused. You wanted to stay with Puffy and Sam." He moved towards her, but she moved away.

"You didn't have to be king. You could have came with us like you did before." Kristen told him. 

"I was the heir. What was I supposed to do? Leave the kingdom to rot? Leave all those people to die without a leader to protect them?" he argued. "That's selfish and you know it." 

"They would have been fine!" she shouted, but she knew it wasn't true. The kingdom would have died, it wouldn't have even stood a chance.

"You're being selfish Kristen! If you cared that much about our love then you would have stayed." 

Kristen opened her mouth to argue, but nothing came out. He was right, even if she would never admit it. She stomped out of the room, not wanting to see him anymore. She couldn't handle not being in his arms.

Why did she have to fall in love with him?


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