Chapter 36- Some Promises Are Meant to Be Broken

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Warning- this mentions suicide, be careful as you read

Tommy POV

It had been happening for hours, showing almost no signs of stopping. The shadow was relentless, torturing dream with no mercy.

Tommy looked with pity, wishing he would just stop. Give Dream a break. He wasn't sure how much longer Dream could go on like this.

Dream spat out a mouthful of blood, panting. He laid on the floor for a moment before being kicked harshly in the stomach. He groaned, curling in on himself in an effort to protect himself.

The shadow smirked, "How can someone like you be so weak?" Dream continued to try and catch his breath. His skin was even paler than before. "I suppose it makes sense."

Tommy finally found his voice, speaking up. "Why won't you leave him alone? Hasn't he gone through enough?"

The shadow turned to him, his eyes red. "The weaker he is, the faster the process will happen."

"Give him a break... torture me instead." Tommy pleaded, glancing again at Dream's fading body.

The shadow laughed, "You, lost prince, will experience it soon enough."

"What do you mean Mare?" Dream croaked.

"Mare... nightmare... an interesting name." the shadow grinned. He glanced towards Tommy, who had crawled closer to Dream. "Once my plans with Dream are complete, Tommy will be next."

"Next?" Tommy paled at the thought.

"How else do you think I'm going to take over the kingdom?" Mare questioned, his evil smile widening.

Tommy's eyes widened, "No..."

"You are the royal family's only weakness. By using you, I can get anything I want."


"Tommy? You awake?" a whisper came from Dream.

"You really think I can sleep? Knowing what he... said..." Tommy's voice trailed off into the darkness.

"I know what you mean..." he sighed.

Tommy turned towards him, "How are you feeling?"

Dream laughed dryly, causing him to cough harshly. Clearing his throat, he said, "Like I'm being turned inside out... slowly."

"I wish there was something I could do."

"You're company... that's enough." Dream was silent for a moment. "Why didn't you follow them?" he paused. "You had the opportunity you could have left... could have saved yourself. You could have seen your family again."

Tommy thought for a moment. "I couldn't leave you."

"But you don't know me." 

"I know... but I didn't need to." Tommy sighed, trying to put his thoughts into words. "I couldn't go knowing that you would be left here all alone... knowing you... or not."

Dream chuckled, "I guess they were right... you're as heroic as Phil."


"People used to say that you wanted to be the hero, even at a young age. I guess that hasn't changed after all these years." Dream smiled. "You fit in perfectly with them."

Tommy looked at the ground, not wanting to think about them. "I suppose that's a good thing."

"Of course it is." Dream paused, allowing the silence to linger for a moment. "I know how to stop him."

Tommy sat up instantly. "You do?" Dream nodded. "Well what is it? How do we stop him?" He couldn't understand why Dream wasn't more excited, or hopeful at least.

Dream gave him a sad look, "Tommy-"

That's when Tommy understood what he meant. "No."

"Tommy I don't have a choice..." he began.

"Anything is better than that!" Tommy exclaimed, horrified by the idea.

"Toms... I'm weak as it is. I probably won't recover-"

"You don't know that! Killing yourself is not the answer!" Tommy shouted, holding his head in his hands.

Dream moved closer to the distressed blonde, pulling him into a hug. "Don't say it like that. I would be giving up my life to save everyone. You, your family, our friends. It's necessary."

Tommy paused, "But what about you?"

"Don't worry about me."

The two were silent for a moment. Tommy moved closer to Dream, craving his comfort.

"Promise me you won't." Tommy suddenly said.



Dream sighed, looking down at him. "I promise." He held Tommy closer, trying to ignore the pain his body was in. He knew he wouldn't last longer. A few minutes passed and it wasn't long before snores came from Tommy.

Dream shook his head, sighing.

"Some promises are meant to be broken."


Hope you liked it!

Sorry it took me like almost two weeks to right this... I just wasn't sure how to write it.

Five more chapters! :)

The next chapter will probably be really long, so it might take me a little time, but I'll try to get it done as soon as possible!

Thank you for 48.1K!! It means the world to me!

Hope you have a wonderful day!


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