Chapter 17- You Don't Even Know What I've Been Through

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Dream POV

Feed on your anger.


It's there, you know it is.


All you have to do, is let it coarse through your veins.


Power is a simple thing. Either take it or leave it.


He snapped up to see George staring at him.

"What?" he snapped, a bit harsher than he intended. What could be so important?

"There's something you should know..." George began, immediately dropping his glaze.

Dream stared at him. "Well spit it out." He didn't need things sugar coated for him. He could deal with it. 

"It's Tubbo."

Immediately Dream felt his heart dropped. Nothing could happen to Tubbo, he wouldn't let anything happen to his little brother. Especially after everything the kid had been through. Suddenly he was in control.

"Is he okay? What happened?" his voice shook, but he didn't care.

"He's alright. He's on his way here." George spoke slowly, somehow hoping it might ease the pain that lingered in his words. He paused, "There was a fire... someone burned the entire village. Luckily the royals were there to get as many people to safety as they could."

Dream let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding. "He's okay-y?"

"They both are." Sapnap said, leaning in the doorway. 

Dream's gaze hardened as he shook his head. "He is not welcome here."

Sapnap walked closer, not daring to stand down. "That isn't your choice Dream and you know it."

Dream glared at him. "Do you know what we've been through because of him?" 


"No! You don't! You don't have the slightest clue what that man has put me and more importantly Tubbo through!" Dream shouted, trying his hardest to not think about the painful memories.

George nodded, "You're right Dream. And you don't have to see him, you don't have to even acknowledge him. But you need to be here for Tubbo. He needs you."

Dream meet his eyes, "I will be. I'll keep him safe. Safer than that man could ever." He stomped out of the room, not even caring about the concern looks that followed him.

How could they bring that monster here? They had no right. He stopped, trying to calm himself down. Tubbo didn't need this. Tubbo needed a calm Dream. One who would comfort him and protect him.

The sound of footsteps made him look up. The royals entered the hallway, with Wilbur carrying Tubbo and Techno dragging Schlatt. Phil met his eyes, silently nodding. He knew how Dream would react to Schlatt. As to not cause any argument, Techno and Phil went towards another room, bringing the man with them.

Dream sprinted to Wilbur, quickly taking his little brother in his arms. He didn't even notice Wilbur leave, nor did he care. All that mattered to him was Tubbo.

He carried the brunette into a spare room, carefully laying him down on the bed. Tubbo clung to him, sobbing. Dream pulled him close, running his fingers through his brown hair like he used to.

"You're okay Tubbo. I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere." he said softly, making sure his brother heard every word.

"I-It's gone Dream! It's all gone." Tubbo cried, tightening his grip on his older brother.

"I know Tubs, I know. But you're safe here, alright? You're safe. Nothing is going to get you when I'm around." 

"Promise?" Tubbo held his pinky up, a simple habit he had picked up from when he was younger.

"Promise." Dream was quick to link his pinky with his, giving him a sad smile.

They laid like that for hours until Dream could heard the soft snores coming from his younger brother. He sighed with relief, at least Tubbo could get some much needed sleep.

The poor kid had been through too much, that much was certain.


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