Chapter 8- A Mother's Deepest Fear

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No one POV

When Tommy's mom returned home that night she could tell something was off. The house was silent which was very strange. 

"Thomas?" Marian called, looking around. Where was the kid? "Thomas!" Her heart began to beat faster as panic began to creep in. "Thomas! This isn't funny!" she shouted, looking in every room.

Her son was no where to be found. The last place she looked was the barn. She raced in and stopped as her eyes widened. Small pieces of glass filled the room, having a weird smell. What happened? 

Marian quickly came to the conclusion that Tommy had been taken somewhere. She rushed to grab her cloak before heading towards town. Maybe someone had seen something. She could only hope.


"Hurry up Wilbur!" Techno groaned, having nearly made it to the stable. Dream still hadn't woken up and they were going to get help from an old friend.

"I'm coming!" Wilbur shouted, tugging on his cloak before racing after his twin.

"You are so slow." Techno rolled his eyes as he prepared his horse before mounting it. The horse was chestnut with a dark brown mane and tail. He had never found another horse he liked except Carl.

"I am not!" the brunette protested as he mounted his own horse. His horse was a creamy white with a cream colored mane and tail. His horse was a bit more mischievous, but good nonetheless.

"Come on then!" Techno brought his horse to a trot, before going into a full gallop. Wilbur followed close behind him.

The duo rode into town, gaining a few glances along the way. It wasn't unusual for them to visit the town, but still wasn't completely normal either. Finally they came to a small hut. They dismounted their horses, tying them to a fencepost that was just outside.

A bell rung as they opened the door and a voice called from inside, "I'll be with you in a moment!"

The brothers chuckled, but said nothing. It had been a long time since they had talked to their father's old friend. Footsteps echoed and a man came into view.

"Your majesties! I had no idea you were coming!" he exclaimed, brushing his blonde hair from his eyes.

"Sorry for the unannounced visit Sam." Techno apologized.

"What brings you here? I hope all my armor and equipment has been holding up?" Sam questioned, worried that he hadn't met their expectations.

"We need you're help." Wilbur began.

"Of course, anything you need."

"Something is wrong with Dream-"

"Dream? One of your top knights?" Sam's eyes widened.

"He fainted during practice yesterday." Techno explained.

"What did Fundy say? He's your healer at the moment since..." Sam stopped, not wanting to bring up Bad's disappearance. 

"Fundy isn't sure. It could just be exhaustion or something like that... But I think it's something more." Techno glanced at him, meeting Sam's puzzled look. "When it happened... his eyes went red. Like something was controlling him and he was muttering things like 'I'm in control' and 'Who are you'."

"You think he's being controlled?" Sam shook his head. "Doesn't that seem a bit far fetched?"

"His eyes turned red Sam!" the prince exclaimed. He had to believe him.

"I've never heard of anything like that. Are you sure-" he stopped at Techno's glare, sighing, "Has he woken up yet?"

"No." Wilbur shook his head. "Do you know someone who might know more?"

Sam thought for a moment, unsure if he should tell them. He decided it was the best option. "There is someone... but I haven't seen him in years. He was always claiming weird things that never made any sense. I never believed any of it. In fact I might still have his journal somewhere." Sam walked towards one of his bookshelves, searching for a moment. He pulled out an old leather book, blowing off the dust. "I could look through some of these old journals and see if I can find anything."

Wilbur glanced over his shoulder, trying to read some of the pages. "What language is that in?" The words made little to no sense, looking more like strange markings.

"I'm not sure. Some ancient end language I think." Sam shrugged. "It shouldn't take me too long to figure out."

"Thanks Sam." Techno nodded. "Let us know if you find anything."

"Of course."

The two princes exited the hut, walking towards their horses.

"Do you think he'll find anything?" Wilbur asked. A moment passed and he glanced back to see Techno frozen in place. "Techno? What's wrong?" He rushed to his twin, trying to figure out what was wrong.

"Look." Techno growled, clenching his fists until they were nearly white. Wilbur followed his line of sight and gasped. Anger began to boil at the sight of her.

There stood their mother. The monster who had taken their little brother away from them. It was surprising they would recognize her, after all it had been so long since their last meeting. But she still had the same curly hair and pose. 

Before the brothers even knew what they were doing, they were racing towards her. She gasped as Techno forced her against a wall. Onlookers rushed to help, but one glare from Techno caused them to stop.

"Where is he?!" Wilbur demanded.

Marian looked towards the ground. "I-I don't know."

"What?!" Techno shouted, tightening his hold on her. "What did you do to him?!"

"I didn't do anything!" she yelled back. "He's missing!"

Techno's eyes widened and his grip loosened. "What?" His voice was suddenly small. His little brother was... missing? 

"He's gone." she repeated. Wilbur glared at her coldly, but said nothing. Her gaze softened as she looked at him. "Look at you William-" she held her hand up to cup his face, only for him to quickly slap it away.

"It's Wilbur." he snapped.

Techno slowly processed her words, "When was the last time you saw him?"

"Yesterday." she answered.

"You're coming with us." Techno grabbed her arm.

"What?" she panicked at the thought of seeing Phil. "No-"

"You don't get a choice. You made your choice when you took Tommy from us."


Who's the mysterious person? You'll just have to wait and see ^_^

Sorry for posting this so late, but I hope you liked it!

Thank you for the 1K!

Hope you have an amazing day!


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