Chapter 39- Destruction is Only the Beginning

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Mare POV

Mare chuckled, watching the war that raged on below him. It was a beautiful sight, something he had been dreaming about for ages. Dream was far more powerful than he could have ever imagined.

He couldn't wait to take over the kingdom. He could finally be in control, just like he planned.

"Stop this before it begins."

Mare sighed, rolling his eyes. He knew who it was before he even looked. "And why would I do that? I grow stronger every minute."

Schlatt glared at him, shaking his head. His grip tightened on his sword, "Let Dream go."

Again Mare chuckled, turning his red eyes on the man. "Why do you think you have any power over me? You were possessed by me as well."

Schlatt immediately dropped his gaze. "I had no choice-"

"That's not what I remember... you came to me. You wanted your life to actually mean something... for people to actually remember you existed in the first place." Mare grinned. "And I did just that."

"That's not what I wanted!" Schlatt shouted. "And you know that!"

Mare stared into his eyes, making him shiver. "I know you better than yourself." He continued, his eyes glowing. "And you got exactly what you wanted."

Schlatt shook his head, as though he was trying to convince himself that Mare was wrong. "I didn't want to hurt them... and Dream doesn't either! Let him go before I make you."

Mare rolled his eyes, adjusting his mask for a moment. "Dream is only a piece of the puzzle. His love for his friends and family is more than I could ever dream of. Once the transformation is complete, I will be unstoppable."

Suddenly footsteps raced towards him, making him turn around just in time to see Schlatt charging at him with his sword ready. As quick as lightning, Mare unsheathed his own sword, clashing instantly with his.

He rolled his eyes, using his sword to force Schlatt back. "Dream certainly didn't get his skills from you."

Schlatt glared, saying nothing since he knew it was true. It was one of his biggest regrets, not being the one to teach his son sword fighting. 

Again Schlatt charged, immediately getting blocked by Mare. "He definitely got your determination." He pushed Schlatt back, grabbing a knife from his belt. This time he was the one to charge, taking Schlatt by surprise.

Schlatt did the best he could, dodging and blocking as many swings as he could. As soon as Mare found the opportunity, he stabbed his knife into his shoulder, making him cry out in pain. He collapsed, his hand falling over the new wound.

"You humans are pathetic."

Suddenly a blade lodged its way into Mare's chest, making his eyes widen in surprise. 

Schlatt chuckled darkly, "I guess I'm not as pathetic as you think."

Mare smirked, closing his eyes for a moment. Light began to swirl around him, lifting him off the ground for a moment. Then it was gone, as was the wound, making Schlatt gasp in shock.

"Dream is far more powerful then I ever gave him credit for."

What Schlatt didn't hear was the screams of pain that echoed far away. 


Sapnap POV

Sapnap chuckled, enjoying the thrill of excitement that came with every swing. He quickly disarmed his enemy, throwing their sword to the floor before swiftly stabbing him in the stomach.

He looked around, pausing briefly. More and more enemies were falling, meaning they were actually winning. They actually stood a chance.

He called over to George, who was catching his breath after fighting an enemy off. "How you holding up Gogy?"

George rolled his eyes playfully at the nickname, moving towards him. "Things are clearing up over here."

Sapnap grinned. "I can't believe we're actually winning! We're actually going to see Dream again!" He threw his arms around George, smiling widely. Everything would go back to normal.

George chuckled, hugging him for a moment before pulling away. "Yeah... I can finally tell him..."

"I can't believe you've waited this long." Sapnap commented, moving towards the edge of the hill to get a better view.

"Like you wouldn't have done the same thing." he scoffed, beginning to clean his sword with his shirt.

Sapnap smirked, "He's totally going to-"

George cried out in pain, making Sapnap whip around. A sword was plunged through his chest, an enemy still behind him. "GEORGE!" Sapnap saw red, rushing towards him and stabbing the man. He threw the man's body down the hill, turning towards his friend.

George was gasping for air, gripping the grass around him as he clung to life. "S-Sapnap-"

Sapnap knelt beside him, unsure of what to do. He grabbed his best friend's hand, staring at the wound. "You're okay, you're okay! You'll be fine!" he reassured him, knowing full well that it was a lie. He hoped that maybe if he said it out loud that it would be true.

George had a death grip on his hand as his body continued to shake. "T-Tell him for me-" Blood began to pour from his mouth, almost making him choke.

"Tell him yourself." Sapnap cried, "MEDIC! SOMEONE HELP!" 

But there were no medics around, all of them being at camp. Besides he knew, they couldn't save someone from this... it was impossible.

"I-I love you Sapnap." George coughed, as he smiled sadly.

"Please don't leave me..." Sapnap sobbed. "I love you so much George, you can't leave me please."

George blinked one more time before his body went limp, his grip loosening.

Sapnap screamed in pain, sobbing as he brought his best friend's body close to his. It wasn't fair. How could things have changed so quickly? They were winning...

Why did this have to be the end?


Hope you liked it!

Hope you have an amazing day!


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