Chapter 24- I Can't Care Again

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Tommy POV

Tommy smiled, feeling the wind rush towards his face. There was something so magical about it, it just felt so free. He stood at the front of the ship, trying his best to stay out of everyone's way, especially Puffy's. Tommy knew that the only thing keeping him on the ship was the reward.

Not that Tommy cared, he just wanted to get home. To finally find the part of his life that had been missing for so long.

He leaned forward a bit more, craving more freedom. He should have known it wasn't safe, but in the moment he didn't process it.

The boat jolted suddenly upon hitting a large wave, sending Tommy overboard. He shouted in surprise, falling into the sea. 

The water swallowed him up, pulling him under for a moment. The cold overwhelmed him, seeping into every part of his body. He tried so hard to stay above the surface. The problem was he had never learned to the swim, his mother being too 'overprotective' to allow him to learn. A minute of struggling only seemed to pull him down again.

"Help!" he cried out, coughing up the water. Please. He was so close to meeting his family, he couldn't die now.

Blackness began to drip into his vision as he struggled. No! I can't give up now! He thought, fighting back to get to the top.

He felt a hand grab his arm and suddenly he was lifted out of the water. Once he reached the deck, he found himself coughing up the water and straining himself to pump air into his lungs. 

Someone was yelling something, but he couldn't for the life of him understand what they were saying.

He felt himself being wrapped in something warm. He opened his eyes to see Kristen kneeling in front of him. Her hand gently cupped his face, tilting his head up towards her.

He tried to read her lips, only understanding the word safe.

His eyelids drooped and he found himself slipping into sleep.


Slowly he blinked open his eyes, his eyelids feeling like they weighed a thousand tons. He took a deep breath, relaxing in the warmth that surrounded him. He smiled at the comfortable feeling of blankets.

"You gave us quite a scare Tommy." he snapped up at the sound of the voice. He turned to see Kristen sitting beside him, a worried look in her eyes. "You're lucky you know."

Tommy sighed, looking down in embarrassment. "Thank you." he murmured.

"Don't thank me." Kristen shook her head. "Thank Puffy."

"Puffy?" he gasped, not sure if he was hearing her right. Didn't Puffy hate him? Why would she save him?

"Yeah, you're lucky she was on deck.  She watched you fall in and reacted quickly. Thankfully she drills protocols into our heads for when things like this happen." Kristen explained. "You may have a slight cold, but nothing major."

"She actually saved me?" the blonde repeated.

"What did you really think she would let you drown?" she questioned.

He shrugged, "I suppose the reward is too much for that."

Kristen burst out laughing, making him glance at her in confusion. "You really believe that, don't you? You actually buy into that act?"

"What act?" he didn't understand.

"The act that she doesn't care about you, that she's only keeping you around for the money."

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