Chapter 25- Dream's Gone

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Tubbo POV

"Dream!" he called once more, hoping for an answer. He hadn't seen his older brother since last night, which was worrying. Dream promised to always be around, where could he have possibly gone?

He shook his head, not looking where he was going. He walked directly into something, rather someone. He stumbled feeling someone grab his arm to stable him. He slowly looked up, hoping it was Dream.

Much to his worry, it wasn't. "You alright there?" the voice was raspy, but still held a large amount of concern.

"Yes- no." Tubbo sighed, looking up at the prince.

"Yes or no?" Techno raised an eyebrow, humor evident in his eye.

"I just can't find Dream." Tubbo confessed, "I'm sure I'm just worrying too much... have you seen him?"

Techno thought for a moment before shaking his head. "Sorry Tubs, I haven't seen him in a while actually. When was the last time you saw him?"

"Last night."

"That's weird." he commented, knowing how loyal Dream was to Tubbo. "I'll have everyone on the lookout, I'm sure he's fine. He is Dream after all." Techno offered him a small smile, trying to ignore the clawing concern that ate his stomach.

Tubbo nodded, biting his lip. "Do you know where Ranboo is?"

"Yeah, he's just finishing up training now. If you hurry you might still be able to catch him training." Tubbo glanced towards his feet in embarrassment. Techno chuckled, "There's nothing wrong with liking swordplay, Tubbo."

"I know... I just wish I could learn it." 

"I could-"

"No, it's not that." Tubbo cut him off. "I- uh... I can't handle hurting someone, that's all." It was strange, admitting his biggest flaw in front of the prince.

To his surprise, Techno nodded, "That's understandable. Dream was the same way."

"He was?" he perked up, his brother had been afraid too?

"Yup, but he pushed through it. If you really want to learn, you could do the same." Techno suggested gently. His tone was neither judgmental or orderly, it was simply a suggestion.

"Maybe someday..." Tubbo smiled up at him. "I should probably go, let me know if you see Dream."

"Will do."

Tubbo ran off, leaving Techno chuckling behind him. He had never been one for kids, but Tubbo was different somehow.

Once Tubbo reached the training grounds, he held back a sigh of disappointment. He had just missed it. He rushed to the knight's quarters, instantly seeing Ranboo who was still putting away his gear.

Tubbo crashed into him, hugging him tightly from behind. 

Ranboo laughed, turning around to hug him back. A moment passed before Ranboo questioned, "Still no sign of him?"

Tubbo sadly shook his head, "Nothing!" He bit his lip, pulling away. "W-what if he left me?"

Ranboo immediately pulled him back into the embrace, holding him close. "He wouldn't do that, you know that."

"But what if-"

"Trust me Tubbo. Dream would never do that." he reassured. "Maybe he's just gone to see Sam? He has been complaining about needing a new axe since Techno broke his."

"But he would of said something! And besides, wouldn't he be back by now?"

"I guess you're right." Ranboo sighed at his failed attempt to comfort his best friend. "Why don't we go visit Sam? Then we'll know for sure."

"Okay." Tubbo agreed, praying his brother was there.


Techno POV

"Get ready." Wilbur barged into Techno's room, making him snap up in surprise.

"Ready for what exactly?" Techno stood up, afraid of his own twin's antics. He watched the brunette turn and stare at him, a smirk painting his face.

"We're going to visit Sam."

"Wilbur, we can't leave the castle." Techno told him, not fond of the idea of disobeying a direct order. He really didn't want them to be on their father's bad side.

"Phil won't know." Wilbur smirked, "Now come on."

"Wait, are you serious? We can't disobey Dad!" Techno could hardly believe what he was hearing. Was Wilbur crazy?

"It's just a short trip, alright? Tubbo and Ranboo want to go, and I am not letting them go alone." Wilbur explained, "Now are you coming or not?"

"Is this about Dream?"

"Yes, now hurry up. The sooner we leave, the sooner we return."

"Why would Dream be there?" Techno asked, "Wouldn't he have said something?"

"You know how secretive Dream is. This wouldn't be the first time he sneaks off to try and one up you. Remember when he came back with netherite?"

Techno rolled his eyes at the memory. Even with better armor, Techno beat him without flaw. "I guess... but what about Dad?"

"Will you stop worrying about what Dad thinks?" Wilbur exclaimed. "Dad is giving on Tommy remember?"


"Are you coming?" Wilbur interrupted, looking his straight in the eye.

Techno let out a long sigh. There was no way he was going to let Wilbur go alone.

"Alright, I'm coming."


Hope you liked it!

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Hope you have an amazing day!


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