Chapter 13- What Have You Got This Time

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Kristen POV

Kristen walked along the beach, kicking up sand as she went. It was one of her favorite things to do, to simply walk alongside of the ocean. She smiled brightly, enjoying the heat of the sun. She squinted, noticing something lying on the sand.

It wasn't a log or seaweed. No, that was a kid! She began running, hoping the kid was still alive. She fell to her knees beside him, checking his pulse. It took a moment, but sure enough it was there. 

Kristen sighed in relief, beginning to look the boy over for injuries. He had a few bruises and cuts, but nothing major. She sighed, staring at the boy. 

The captain won't be happy. But she couldn't just leave the poor boy here! She decided that she could handle the consequences far better than the guilt.

Carefully she picked him up, being sure to avoid his bruises. She made her way back up the shore and towards the docks. Her destination was the huge ship that floated there. She balanced across the plank, reaching the deck quickly.

"Kristen." A voice sighed behind her. "What have you got this time?"

Kristen turned around to see the captain. "I'm just helping this kid out, Puffy. There's nothing to worry about."

Puffy rolled her eyes, "Why do you always come back with something?"

"I couldn't just leave him!"

"Whatever, lay him down below deck and come back."

Kristen nodded, walking below deck. She laid the blonde in a small bed, throwing a blanket over top of him. She stared at him for a moment. "I wonder what you were doing out there." she muttered to herself.

She shrugged, allowing him to rest, before heading back to Puffy.

"You can't keep doing this Kristen." Puffy glanced towards her.

"Why not?" she asked, pushing her hair back.

"Because we can't trust kids that just appear out of nowhere."

"You're only saying that because of - him. This kid is harmless." Kristen huffed.

"You said the same thing about him!" Puffy snapped. "And look what happened." Kristen turned away, not wanting to relieve the painful memories. "As soon as he wakes up we drop him at the harbor."

"You're just going to leave him?" Kristen gasped. "You can't do that!"

"Watch me." 

"Why can't we drop him off at his home?" she suggested. "We can't just leave the kid here all alone."

"We've got another job to do Kristen. We don't have time to babysit him. And the crew certainly don't need another kid running around."

"We are not leaving him behind." Kristen glared stubbornly before walking away.

Puffy sighed, looking back towards the beautiful water. If only she could understand, things have changed.

Trust was the more dangerous murderer around.


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