Chapter 21- The Next Step

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Bad gasped, trying so hard to catch his breath. He collapsed to the ground, unable to breathe. 

"Get up."

He shook his head, hoping to clear his thoughts. There was no point to it, yet he continued to do it. Blood began to drip down his face, mixing with the fresh sweat.

"You really thought there would be no consequences?" 

His vision blacked again and he began to cry at what he saw. Skeppy was laying on the floor, desperately trying to force the pressure off his throat. Bad tried to cry out, beg to be hurt instead, but his voice wasn't there. He squeezed his eyes shut in the hopes of blocking it out, but that did nothing. He could still see everything that was happening.

"You're lucky I'm merciful."

Bad laughed dryly, "You call this mercy?"

"I could have killed you by now." 

"Then why haven't you?" 

The voice hesitated and Bad's vision began to fade. He opened his eyes once more to find himself alone, like he had been before. Had that even happened?

"You can't kill me." Bad realized. "Because you have no body."

The voice hissed, making Bad wince in pain. 

"I will soon."


"You'll see. You'll be delighted to be reunited with him again."

Bad shivered at the tone of his voice. Who was he talking about? Was it one of his friends? Oh god, what if it was Fundy? Or worse Techno...

"It's interesting how easy it is to tempt someone. To twist their own thoughts into terror. Humans make it so easy, they care too much. They are willing to do anything to save their loved ones, even when it requires grave sacrifices."

"At least they care about something. You don't feel anything for anyone." Bad replied, trying to decipher who it was.

"I only feel for myself. That is more than enough."

Bad cried out in pain as a pounding headache began. He fell to the ground once more, covering his head with his hands.

"I must admit, you're strong. Not as strong as Techno, but strong nonetheless."

"Techno?" Bad echoed.

"If it weren't for that other prince, I would have gotten to him. But I suppose the other one will do."

"Who is the other one?" Bad shouted only to whimper in pain.

"Don't forget who's in charge demon. You wouldn't want to hurt your friend more, would you?"

Bad gulped, biting his tongue. He knew Skeppy couldn't last much longer like this. He could only pray that Tommy was getting help.

"You put so much faith in that young prince. He would betray you in a heartbeat."

"Get out of my head."

"He has no loyalty to you and you know that. After all you are the one who took him away from his mother."

"You forced me to." Bad bit down on his lip, attempting to silence his screams. "And that's not even his famil-y."

"But he didn't know that. You took him away from the only thing he knew."

Bad could feel the guilt pooling in his chest. No, don't let him get to you, he begged himself. But it was no use, he couldn't stop the thoughts from surfacing. "It's not my fault." he hissed.

"It's all your fault." 


"Because of you he has been thrown into this mess. Who knows if he'll ever experience peace ever again."

"You're wrong! I had no choice..."

The voice laughed. 

"There's always a choice. Don't ever think otherwise."


Do you think you know who he's talking about?

What makes Techno different?

Hope you liked it!

Thank you so much for the 13.7K!! It means the world to me!

Hope you have a wonderful day!


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