Chapter 11- I'll Come Back For You

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Tommy POV

Tommy turned to Skeppy, unsure of what to do.

Skeppy chuckled, "Go on Tommy, I'll be alright." Suddenly he began to cough violently, throwing up a little blood.

Again Tommy looked at him, about to say something, but Skeppy shook his head. There was nothing he could do.

Tommy nodded solemnly, looking to Bad. Bad nodded towards the door, urging him to go first.  Tommy paused, holding his hands out. He didn't want to run into the barrier. To his surprise, nothing was there. He tried to look at Skeppy, but Bad pushed him forward before they could make eye contact.

Every time Tommy tried to stop, he was pushed forward. He tried to make sense of the place around him, still hoping to discover an escape. 

Skeppy was right in a sense. This place was literally Hell, at least that's what it looked like. Darkness blanketed everything, or maybe it just seemed that way because everything was black. He wasn't sure, but it definitely made him uncomfortable. Lava seemed to leak from every crack, making him wonder how this place was still together.

"Bad where are we going?" Tommy glanced towards his friend, hoping for some sign or reassurance.

However the demon barely acknowledge him, seeming to be in pain whenever he did.

"Bad?" he repeated, but again Bad wouldn't look at him.

Suddenly they came to a stop, making him quickly glance at Bad who looked to be in immense pain. He took a step back, holding his head. 

Tommy had mixed feeling about him, but at least Bad was friendly. Technically he was a prisoner too in his own right. He met his red eyes, concerned to say the least.

"He's listening." he muttered.

"The shadow?" Tommy echoed, watching as Bad slowly nodded. 

"We need to keep going." Bad urged. "He's not patient in the slightest." Tommy bit his lip, but continued.

They went deeper and deeper, with the heat increasing. It was a wonder how anything could even survive here. Suddenly they came to an abrupt stop. Tommy turned to Bad, wondering if it was his head again.

Instead the demon was looking around frantically. Then he slipped a vial out of his cloak and immediately drank the entire liquid. His body shook for a moment before becoming still again.

"What was that?" Tommy stared at him, beyond confused.

"We don't have much time, follow me!" Bad shouted, running off in a new direction.

Tommy looked around, hoping for some answer before following. "Bad what are you doing?" he hissed.

They came to a stop in front of a long tunnel that seemed to run deep. Bad was counting under his breath steadily. He stopped for a moment and turned to Tommy.  "Follow this tunnel and keep to the left always, that way you won't get lost-"

"Hang on! What in the world are you talking about?" Tommy interrupted, puzzled.

"You're escaping. Isn't that obvious?" Bad commented.

"But what about Skeppy? I can't just leave him! And the shadow-" he began.

"The shadow is dormant, but not for much longer. He will return in only a few minutes which is why you must hurry. You escaping is the only way to save Skeppy." 

"But what about you? Won't you-"

"Don't worry about me." His hands went to his head. "Now go!" he croaked, almost falling to the ground in pain.

Tommy turned on his heel and began running through the tunnel. Left, he reminded himself. Left, Left. He came to a fork in the maze. Left... wait was it left? Or was it right? It wasn't long until he lost all sense of direction.

He continued onwards for what seemed like hours, but he really couldn't be sure on how much time had passed. Where was he? His legs began to weaken as he grew tired. But he couldn't stop. After all Skeppy needed help, and so did Bad. It was his job to help them.

He came to another fork and he stopped, groaning in frustration. How did he get lost so quickly... or slowly? He rubbed his eyes, hoping to get rid of the soreness that lingered in them. He paused as a noise filled his ears.

Was that water? Was he close to the exit? He could only pray it was. He moved towards the sound, looking ahead. The tunnel opened wider, turning into a large cavern. He ran faster. He made it!

If only he had seen the large cliff he was on. He fell forward, screaming as he did so. The water swallowed him, pulling him into the current. He struggled to stay afloat, coughing the liquid that filled his lungs. The water slammed into rocks, bringing him with it.

The blackness began to dot his sight as light came into view.


Hope you liked it!

Thank you for 2.9K reads! I'll try to get another chapter out today!

Hope you have an amazing day!


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