Chapter 12- Is He Really Better?

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George POV

George sighed, still sitting at Dream's bedside. He had yet to wake up and it had been almost day. The royals had left only a few hours ago, promising to be back as soon as they could. Eret was left in charge with the knowledge that he could handle their duties.

Fundy entered the room, holding a strange looking potion. 

George sat up, staring at the ginger. "What's that for?"

"This should wake him up." Fundy replied, clearing a spot on the bedside table.

"How are you going to make him drink it?" Sapnap asked.

Fundy rolled his eyes, acting like it was a stupid question, "It's not for him to drink."

George exchanged a look with Sapnap, both mirroring the same question. What else was it for?

"I would plug you're nose if I were you." Fundy warned, plugging his own nose with his remaining hand. George and Sapnap did as they told, still unsure of what he was doing. Fundy carefully picked up the potion and unplugged the cork. He moved the potion in front of Dream, sending whiffs of steam towards his nose.

A few seconds passed before Dream jolted awake with a disgusted look on his face. "What is that?" he demanded, quickly plugging his nose.

"I'm not sure you want to know." Fundy chuckled, shoving the cork back into the bottle.

They waited a few minutes before removing their hands.

Dream slowly leaned up, readjusting the pillow behind his head. "What happened?"

"We're not really sure. You kind of just zoned out and then fainted. At least that's what Techno said." George explained, trying to recite exactly what Techno said.

"Do you remember?" Sapnap questioned, bringing his chair closer to the bed.

Dream shook his head. "The last thing I remember is training with Techno."

"Do you feel any different?" Fundy watched him closely.

Dream thought for a moment. "Not really, I just feel fine."

Fundy sighed, "Maybe you fainted just from exhaustion then. But that doesn't explain why you don't remember more." He glanced towards the blonde.

Dream shrugged, "I suppose it could be that. I have been training a lot recently." He paused, "Can I get up now?"

Fundy nodded, "But take it easy. We don't know what exactly caused it."

"Didn't you just say it was from exhaustion?"

"I suspect it's something else." Fundy admitted. "George and Sapnap will look after you."

"I don't need to be looked after!" Dream whined. "I'll be fine! All I'll be doing is training with Techno."

"You can't." Fundy interrupted, studying a book in his hands.

"Why not?" Dream demanded, a threatening tone leaking into his words. George glanced at him. Dream was never violent, he was always calm.

"One I don't want you exerting yourself. And two, Techno isn't here at the moment." Fundy responded in a huff.

Dream's green eyes widened, almost in panic. "Where's Techno?"

"Relax Dream. He'll be back soon." Sapnap reassured him. "The entire family is out on business." 

"Business?" he repeated.

"It's classified." Fundy snapped. "They don't want everyone being aware of where they're headed."

Dream seemed to become angry at these words. George stared at his friend. "Dream, are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine!" Dream snapped. "Can I go now?"

Fundy slowly nodded and the blonde was quick to leave. The three of them looked at each other.

Was Dream really okay?


This was really bad, but it's something.

Hope you have an amazing day!


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