Chapter 22- You Put Me Through Hell

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Dream POV

"Get rid of him."


"He shouldn't be here."

I know.

"He caused all your pain."

I know.

"He hurt Tubbo."

I know.

"He hurt... you..."


He jumped at his younger brother moving in his sleep beside him. He closed his eyes, trying to force the voices away. He opened his eyes to a soft feeling. His eyes softened as he realized that he was still running his fingers through Tubbo's hair.

Tubbo mumbled in his sleep making Dream smile. He had forgotten that Tubbo had a habit of talking in his sleep, it was something he had never really gotten rid of. It was better than nightmares, that's for sure.

His head snapped up to the sound of the door creaking. His father walked in and Dream jumped up from the bed. He dragged Schlatt out of the room, attempting to be as silent as possible. The last thing he wanted was to wake Tubbo up.

"What do you want?"

Schlatt stared at him, not understanding. "I wanted to make sure Tubbo was okay-"

"He's fine." Dream interrupted, continuing to glare at him. "You can leave now."

"I'm not going anywhere." he croaked.

"Fine, just stay away from Tubbo." Dream turned on his heel, not wanting to leave Tubbo for very long.

"I am your father Dream. Tubbo is my son and so are you." 

Dream laughed dryly, "You are not my father. You've proven that."

"What do you-" 

"Who looked after Tubbo? Who kept him safe all those nights you didn't come home? Who kept him safe from you?" Dream turned back to him, his voice cold.

"I could have looked after him but you wouldn't let me. You still won't." Schlatt shouted, hoping his son could understand.

"You think I was going to trust you with him after what happened?" he stared at him. "Of course I was going to leave him with someone else. You're lucky he even knew where you lived."

"You know that was an accident." the man pleaded.

"You keep saying that." Dream groaned, "So why don't I believe you?"

"Why can't you just put aside your pride and forgive me?" 

"You put me through Hell! You put Tubbo through Hell! You put the entire world through Hell! How can I forgive you for that?" the voices began to grow louder and he winced.

"I've gotten better."

Dream sighed, regaining his posture after a moment. "You haven't if you're obviously still lying."

Schlatt sighed, knowing he wasn't winning. "What do you want me to do son?"

"Leave." Schlatt's eyes widened. "Leave Tubbo and I alone."

He turned away, stalking away. He needed to clear his head before going back to Tubbo.

"Get rid of him."

"Kill him."

"We want blood."


Schlatt POV

Schlatt sighed, leaning against the wall. He wanted nothing more than to take it all back. Why did he have to be such a horrible person?


He looked up quickly to see Tubbo staring at him. "Hey kiddo, did I wake you?"

"It is hard to sleep when you both keep arguing." Tubbo nodded, but it wasn't in a mean way. 

"Sorry kid." Schlatt apologized.

"It's alright." the brunette yawned. "So I take it that things still haven't changed between you two?"

"He's too much like me. Too stubborn for his own good." 

Tubbo bit his lip, "But you still love him... right?"

Schlatt paused, looking sadly at his son.

"Of course I do."


Hope you like this part of the stories, I think it makes it more interesting!

Hope you have an amazing day!!

Thank you so much for the 14.9K!!


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