Chapter 40- Merciless Fates

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Kristen POV

"This seems to be going better than planned." Kristen commented, looking towards Phil.

Phil chuckled, "Don't jinx it." He turned back to the enemies surrounding them, pushing two of them back. He began pushing them back further, looking for an opening to stab them.

Kristen began charging towards more enemies, hoping to get closer to Puffy. Puffy was having the time of her life, killing the enemies around her like they were nothing.

Puffy called over to her. "Be careful! They seem to be getting stronger."

Kristen grumbled, hating that she was worried for her. After all she was fairly good with a sword. "You don't need to worry about me Puffy!" she shouted back, dodging a coming blade.

"I always worry about you Kristen!" 

"Well you shouldn't!" she yelled.

Phil chuckled, saying nothing as the two bickered. 

Kristen immediately noticed that Puffy appeared to be right, the enemies were stronger than before. It was almost like they had more power.

Suddenly an arrow zipped through the air, barely missing Phil. "Watch out! They've got archers!" he shouted to the others, quickly jumping for cover.

Kristen tried to do the same, only to be grabbed by one of the enemies. The man pulled her to the ground, attempting to stab her in the chest. She squirmed, trying to get away from the sharpness of the blade.

Suddenly the weight was off of her as the man was tackled by someone. It took her only a moment to realize who it was. Puffy.

"Stay away from her!" Puffy growled, reaching for the sword on her belt. 

Kristen moved towards her, wanting to help her. Suddenly a whizz sounded through the air, followed by a cry of pain. An arrow had stabbed through Puffy's chest, making her freeze in both shock and pain.

"PUFFY!" Kristen screamed, running faster. Phil ran past her, seemingly going after the archer, but Kristen barely took notice. She fell down beside her friend, her eyes widening as the blood began to soak through her shirt.

"K-Kristen-" Puffy coughed, blood beginning to drip from her mouth. 

Kristen's eyes began to fill with tears. The arrow was wedged into her stomach and that was something that couldn't be healed. She grabbed her hand, wiping away her own tears. "I'm here Puffy, I'm here." she whispered.

Puffy gasped for breath, closing her eyes. "I-I'm not going to make it-t, am I?"

Kristen bit her lip, not wanting to answer. If she spoke aloud that would mean it was true. "Y-You're going to be fine... I-"

"Don't lie to me."

Kristen burst into tears as her words. "I-I'm so sorry. I-I should have-"

"Shhh, it's not your fault." Puffy murmured, her breathing becoming less and less even.

"Thank you for everything Puffy. I don't know where I would be without you." she muttered, leaning her forehead against the other's.

"I-" Puffy's body grew cold, her grip falling out of Kristen's.

Kristen felt the realization wash over her. She had just lost her best friend. The only person who had cared for her for nearly her entire life. She had a hard time thinking back to when Puffy wasn't in her life.

And now she was gone.


Mare POV

Power coursed through his veins, making him stronger and stronger. He grinned, he was unstoppable. He could hardly believe how much Dream cared for his friends. It was amazing really that one person could care so much.

Mare chuckled, looking down at the chaos that was unfolding beneath them. It would all be his soon.

He sheathed his sword, kneeling towards the ground. As soon as his fingers dug into the grass they shriveled up and died, turning pitch black.

He smirked, beginning to walk down the hill. His eyes were glued to Phil.

This would be fun.


Fundy POV

The number of wounded was overwhelming. Fundy had no idea how to deal with this many people and there were still more coming. He could only hope that Bad was on his way back. At least he would have his mentor.

He could practically smell death in the air, which made him sick. If this was what war was, then it truly was hell.

He continued to wrap the torso of his patient, trying to reassure him that he would be fine. A scream made him look up in surprise.

Enemies swarmed into the tent, making Fundy snap up. Instantly his sword was out, ready to defend the wounded. How could these people be so cruel?

The first man chuckled, looking at his skinny frame. "Look at this wimp!"

Fundy glared at them, moving to stand in front of his patient. 

"You're going to have to go through me to get to them."

The man chuckled. "It won't be hard then."

Fundy growled, taking a deep breath and standing his ground. "I think it will be harder than you think."

More enemies appeared behind the first man, all having a sickening grin on their face. 

Fundy knew. He knew he was going to die, no matter how hard he fought. But he fought back as hard as he could, holding onto that little spark of hope he had.

Even as he bled out he still held onto that spark.


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