Chapter 27- It's Been A Long Time Sam

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Puffy POV

The boat finally sailed into the harbor, going to their designated spot. Kristen quickly tied the boat to the dock, making sure it was secure.

Puffy breathed in, enjoying the fresh air that seemed to come with the town. It had been so long since she had stepped foot here, nearly three years.

Tommy ran ahead of her, grinning from ear to ear like he always did. She waited for a moment, giving Kristen time to catch up.

"Wait Tommy! Stay close to us so you don't get lost!" Puffy called the blonde back. Tommy groaned, making her smirk.

"I'm not a kid." he huffed.

"Actually you are." Kristen joined them, ruffling his hair. "Now come on."

The trio began walking, off the docks and into the busy town, they kept Tommy between them, making sure to hide his face. As they walked Puffy couldn't help but glaze at the castle that overlooked everything. She knew that's where he was. She shook her head, trying to focus on delivering Tommy and getting the reward.

Tommy noticed they weren't heading towards the castle and stopped. "Are we not going to the castle?" he questioned, pointing back towards the walls.

"We're going to see an old friend first. Let's just say we're not welcome in the castle." Kristen explained, earning a nod from Puffy.

"Oh." Tommy commented, "Who's your friend?"

"Can you stop asking questions? You'll meet him when we get there." Puffy rolled her eyes, moving them along.

Kristen glared at the captain for a moment, before whispering, "He's the town's blacksmith. He used to be on the crew until a few years ago."

Puffy rolled her eyes again, but said nothing.

Finally they came to a small hut. Puffy pushed open the door, ringing the bell that stood above the door in the process.

"Coming!" a voice shouted.

Puffy stood there, studying the room. It was just like she thought it would be, filled with all kinds of trinkets and bookshelves. It was just like Sam.

Finally the man came into view. He stopped abruptly at the sight of them. "Captain? Kristen? What are you guys doing here?"

"You're not going to hug your old friend?" Kristen chuckled, holding her arms out.

Sam smiled, walking over and hugging her. He glanced at Puffy, unsure of how to greet her. Puffy shook her head and he backed off respectfully.

"So what brings you here?" he questioned, not even noticing Tommy behind them.

"Him." Puffy pushed him into his view.

"Who's- wait... Prince Tommy?" he gasped, his eyes wide. "Is it really you?"

Tommy waved awkwardly, "Yeah I'm the lost prince."

"Oh my god." Sam looked as though he couldn't believe his eyes. "I can't believe it's actually you... god, you look just like your father."

"You must know him?" 

Sam chuckled, "You could say that. I'm the royal blacksmith." He smiled, "I can't wait to see their face when they reunite with you. They'll finally be whole again."

A man appeared from the back of the store, a book in hand. "Look what I found Sam- oh who's this?"

Sam quickly introduced them, "These are my old friends and this is Karl."

Karl looked between them, his eyes landing on Tommy. He gasped, dropping the book and running forward. "Prince Thomas!"

"Tommy, please just call me Tommy." Tommy grinned. "Prince sounds too formal."

"Wait Karl? As in the-man-who-went-crazy?" Puffy eyed him suspiciously.

Karl ran his hand through his hair, laughing dryly, "That's one story about me."

"Why are you here?" Puffy raised an eyebrow. "Last I heard you were kidnapped by pillagers." 

"Yeah, that didn't happen. I became friends with them, I did not get kidnapped." Karl shook his head, having heard the rumors. "I'm here to investigate signs of the shadow."


The bell rung once more and footsteps walked towards them.

"Sam! Dream's gone!" In walked Tubbo, Ranboo beside him. They stopped at the sight of Tommy. "Is that-"

Wilbur and Techno stopped behind them, freezing.



Sorry for not updating for a while, hopefully I can get better at that

Hope you liked it!

Thank you so much for 23.4K!

Hope you have an amazing day!


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