Chapter 15- We Have to Help Him

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Tommy POV

Tommy slowly opened his eyes, quickly closing them again. A shadow shielded his eyes as he opened them again. A woman sat beside him, her hand hovering just above his eyes.

He stumbled back, nearly falling off the bed. "Wh-wh-"

"Calm down, you're safe. You're on a ship in the harbor." the woman said gently.

He stared into her eyes, trying to identify some kind of dishonesty. He couldn't understand why he couldn't find any. "Who are you?"

"My name is Kristen, I found you washed up on the beach." she replied, curiosity overtook her. "How did you wind up there- if you don't mind me asking, of course." 

He inhaled sharply, gripping the sheets. Should he trust her? He bit his lip, sighing, "I-I escaped."

"Escaped? From what?" she raised an eyebrow.

"The shadow." Tommy gave her little information.

She gasped, "You saw the shadow?" 

"You actually know what that is?" he questioned, surprised by her reaction.

Kristen nodded, "He's been terrorizing the kingdom for decades. He never really causes harm, only spreads what evil he can."

"What do you mean?" Tommy hoped for her to tell him more. Maybe with this new information he could save Skeppy and maybe even Bad.

"The shadow isn't a person, it's like a spirit. It targets people by tempting them. Then, once it's gained enough control, it embodies the person, leaving the victim to become trapped in their own mind. Or at least that's what they say." she explained. Tommy felt chills run down his spine.

"You say this like it's happened before?" 

"It has." she stated, staring at him. "Where have you been?"

He shrugged, not really wanting to answer. She seemed to understand because she continued without further questioning it.

"It took over a man named Schlatt who was bloodthirsty for power. He forced everyone to do his bidding for years, killing anyone who refused..." her voice saddened, like she was relieving a memory.

"Sounds horrible." Tommy commented, unsure of what to say.

"You can only imagine. And the king refused to help. That coward cared only for himself." she snarled.

"He didn't do anything?" Tommy's eyes widened. "Then who stopped Schlatt?"

"His son."

"Telling stories are we?" Another voice appeared. Tommy looked up to see what appeared to be the captain of whatever ship they were on.

"He asked." Kristen shrugged. 

"The name's Captain Puffy." the woman looked down at him, her arms crossed.

"Tommy." the blonde nodded.

"Well kid, now that you're awake, I think it's time you hit the road." Puffy told him, immediately receiving a glare from Kristen.

"We are not just leaving him!" she shouted angrily.

"Well we're not keeping him."

Tommy shifted uncomfortably as they continued to argue. He thought about what he was supposed to do now. That's when he remembered, he was the lost prince. He looked between the two, should he tell them? Who's not to say they wouldn't take advantage of it and hurt him? But Kristen seemed nice enough...

"Tommy? You okay?" He looked up to see Kristen staring at him, concern in her eye.

"Yeah." he smiled at her.

Kristen grinned back, "I promise we are not just going to dump you."

Puffy rolled her eyes, "Where do you live anyway?"

"Pretty far from here actually." he responded, maybe they could take him to the royals. "I was planning on heading towards the castle."

"Why the castle?" she raised an eyebrow, never losing her sternness.

"M-my family lives there." It wasn't a lie, technically.

Puffy stared at him and suddenly it struck her. "You can't be serious."

"What?" he said innocently.

"Your Prince Thomas. Aren't you?" he heard Kristen gasp behind her.


"No way!" Kristen exclaimed. "We found the lost prince!"

"They do have quite the reward on you..." Puffy commented, lost in thought.

"That's all you care about?" Kristen gave her a cold glare.

She let out a laugh, "What do you think I care about him? He's not going to change anything."

"You don't know that."

"Yes I do."

Tommy really didn't care, all he wanted was to return home. He was closer to saving Skeppy than ever before.


Thank you so much for all the support! 

Hope you liked the chapter! Still more to come!

I've also got quite a few book ideas after this, so even when this is book is done, there's plenty still to come.

Hope you have an amazing day!


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