Chapter 9- The Lost Prince

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Tommy POV

"Thomas?" Tommy repeated as his eyes widened. Slowly he began to put the pieces together. He never knew his father. His mother hated the royals more than anything. She kept him home, telling him nothing of the lost prince. And he was taken. That must mean... He shook his head, glancing towards Skeppy. "What does the king look like?"

"Have you never seen him?" Skeppy questioned.

"Just answer the question." Tommy urged him.

"Blonde hair and blue eyes." Suddenly Skeppy stopped. "You know, he looks a lot like you now that I think about it."

"I'm the lost prince."

Skeppy stared at him, processing what he just said. "What?"

"I'm the prince that has been missing for nine years." Tommy repeated, hardly believing it himself. "That must be why I was taken." he concluded.

"You're the prince." Skeppy whispered. "How did I not notice before!" he shouted. "You look exactly like the king, you're name is Tommy, short for Thomas. For crying out loud I've seen portraits of you!" He moaned, "I'm such an idiot!" 

Tommy chuckled, "Not really, I mean I just figured it out too. Don't be too hard on yourself." He thought for a moment as his curiosity perked up. "What are they like?"


"My brothers and my father?" He had always longed for more of a family. Now that it was true, he wanted to know everything he could.

"Your father is kind and gentle. After you left something broke in him. He cut himself off and never really was the same after that. He's a great leader, but he needs to be a better father."

"Hopefully I'll be able to fix that." Tommy commented.

"You will, trust me."

"And Techno?"

"Well Techno is the best knight in the land. It's incredible how good he is with a sword. Other than that he usually keeps to himself, only really talking to Wilbur. He's a great teacher though. He teaches quite a few knights, which is probably what makes us so strong." Skeppy recited everything he could think of.

"Does he train you?"

"Yeah, a little bit. I'm not apprenticed to him directly, but he does teach me a few of his tricks." he told him, smiling at the memory.

"What about Wilbur?" Tommy asked.

Skeppy glanced at him, "He misses you the most. You and him were inseparable. He's mostly an advisor for Techno when he becomes king. But his true talent is singing. He's quite the musician. I remember he used to sing to you every night before tucking you into bed."

Tommy paused, trying to remember. Suddenly he heard it. Their song. He softly began to sing, mostly to himself as he remembered.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine

 You make me happy when skies are gray

 You'll never know dear, how much I love you

 Please don't take my sunshine away."

And suddenly he was there. A little kid, looking up at his older brother. The brunette smiled down at him, continuing to sing.

"The other night dear, as I lay sleeping

 I dreamed I held you in my arms

 But when I woke, dear, I was mistaken

 So I hung my head and I cried."

Tommy remembered himself giggling as his brother sung, bobbing his head slightly. He loved to listen to him sing, it made him feel safe.

"I'll always love you and make you happy,

 If you will only say the same.

 But if you leave me and love another,

 You'll regret it all some day."

Tommy felt arms wrap around him and turned to see Techno. He smiled and snuggled more into his hold. His brother held him tightly in a protective way.

"You told me once, dear, you really loved me

 And no one else could come between.

 But not you've left me and love another

 You have shattered all of my dreams."

And suddenly the king was there, draping his arm around Techno. He smiled down at Tommy, earning a grin in response.

"In all my dreams, dear, you seem to leave me

 When I awake my poor heart pains.

 So when you come back and make me happy

 I'll forgive you dear, I'll take all the blame."

Tommy smiled brightly, as his brother sung on. His mother wasn't there, but somehow it didn't seem like she was missing. Perhaps it was better that she wasn't there.

The final verses came around and this time Tommy joined in, singing alongside his brother. Even Techno and Phil sang, though Tommy was far more enthusiastic about it.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.

 You make me happy when skies are gray.

 You'll never know dear, how much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away."

Tommy smiled at the memory. He could have that again.

Suddenly the door slammed open and Bad walked in, looking very distraught. 

"Tommy... you need to come with me."


Hope you all have an amazing day! Hope you liked it!


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