Chapter 20- I'll Be Your Friend

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Tubbo POV

Tubbo sighed, feeling content among the plants that surrounded him. The castle had a magnificent garden, one that everyone loved. It seemed to be the only thing that could distract him from thinking about the recent events.

In his mind, he was completely overwhelmed by everything. However you would never know just by looking at him. From a young age he had learned to hide his distress until it became overbearing.

Tubbo leaned back, allowing himself to lay in the grass. He chuckled at the thought of Dream scowling him for covering him in grass. But in reality Dream didn't mind, he wanted Tubbo to have fun.

His head turned at the sound of footsteps. He looked up to see what looked to be a young night. Strangely he had two different sides to his hair. One white and one black. Tubbo found himself staring before he even realized it.

The boy stopped upon seeing him, immediately avoiding eye contact. "Oh! I'm-m sorry. I didn't think anyone would be here." he apologized, quick to turn on his heel and walk away.

However Tubbo stopped him, seeking someone besides Dream. "Wait, stay. I don't mind company." He offered a friendly smile, hoping the boy would take the invitation.

"O-okay." the boy hesitantly sat beside him, beginning to pick at the grass. "You're Dream's little brother, aren't you?"

Tubbo nodded, internally rolling his eyes. Of course that was what he was going to be known for around here. "My name's Tubbo."

"Ranboo." the boy smiled, still not looking at him.

Tubbo didn't understand, why wouldn't he meet his eyes? Did he not trust him? "Are you uncomfortable?" he asked, hoping to make the kid feel as comfortable as possible.

"Oh- sorry. I-I uh... can't handle eye contact." Ranboo admitted, seemingly ashamed. 

"That's okay, there's nothing wrong with that." Tubbo reassured him. Really he didn't mind, he had just wondered. Swiftly he decided to change the subject, "So you're a knight I'm guessing?"

"Yeah... I'm actually the youngest one."

"That's cool. Must be awesome to be with the most advanced knights in the kingdom." Tubbo commented, hoping to open him a bit more. 

A small bee began buzzing near them and seemed to be very interested in Tubbo. Tubbo giggled, allowing the bee to land on his pointer finger. Ranboo smiled at him laughter, it was just so bright.

"You're a bee whisperer, huh?" he chuckled, observing the bee.

Tubbo shrugged, feeling a bit embarrassed it. "I guess you could say that. I don't know what it is, but bees always seem attracted to me."

"So you've never gotten stung?" Ranboo questioned, his interest perking up a little. He had never been fond of bees himself.

Tubbo laughed, "Oh I've gotten stung. When I was little I once knocked a nest out of a tree accidentally. Man, did that hurt. Luckily, it was near the lake, so I managed to escape."

"Jeez, sounds painful."

"It was."

Ranboo paused, thinking for a second. "How did you accidently knock it out the tree?"

"I wanted to get a closer look at it and... the branch broke." Tubbo loosely explained, thinking back to the memory.

"Why don't you ever listen?" his mother shook her head. They were in their living room as she looked over his many stings. "I told you not to get too close to them."

"But Mom I just wanted to see! I wanted to be friends with them!" Tubbo whined, wincing.

His mother chuckled, only her Tubbo. "Tubs, I'm glad you want to make friends. But bees aren't very friendly."

"Why not?" he asked, feeling his eyes turn glassy. Why couldn't he be friends with the bees?

"Well, they're very protective of their family. They keep each other safe." she explained gently, pressing the cold rag to his legs.

"But I wasn't gonna hurt them! I promise!" 

"I know darling, but they didn't know that." she said sweetly, awing at her youngest son. She pressed a kiss to his forehead whispering, "Think of it as how Dream protects you."

The young Tubbo thought for a moment, "Does this mean I can't be friends with them?" His voice broke, as he felt the tears beginning to pour.

"Oh Tubs, of course not. You just need to keep some distance from them, okay? You can still watch them, you just can't get too close." She wiped his tears away with her thumb, looking up at the sound of the front door opening.

Dream entered, moving his blonde hair out of his eyes. He stopped at the sight of Tubbo. "What happened?!" he demanded, racing over to his little brother.

"The bees didn't want to be friends with me Dream!" Tubbo cried.

Dream felt his heart break as he gingerly wrapped his arms around his brother. Luckily most of his stings were on his legs, so he didn't hurt him. "Poor Tubs, I'm sorry."

Tubbo sniffed, leaning into the blonde's chest. Their mother smiled fondly, "Be careful Dream, he's got quite a few stings."

"I will be." he promised, carefully picking him up. He brought him to their room, placing him on the bed.

"Dream?" Tubbo's voice was small, unsure.

"Hmmm?" Dream hummed, knowing what his little brother was going to ask.

"Cuddles?" he questioned, holding his arms out.

Dream smiled, "Of course, Tubs. You don't have to even ask." He laid beside him, holding his little brother against his chest. The child hugged him, snuggling in as close as he could.

"I love you Dream. You're the best big brother in the world!" Tubbo yawned.

"I love you too baby brother." Dream pressed a kiss to his forehead. "And you're the best baby brother in the world."

Tubbo giggled at that and slowly closed his eyes.

Those were good times... the times when everything was right.

Before he knew it, he was crying again. He cursed under his breath, trying so hard to wipe the tears away.

Ranboo glanced towards him, still avoiding his eyes, concerned that his new friend was crying. "Are you okay Tubbo?"

"Yeah, sorry." Tubbo took a deep breath as the tears finally stopped.

"You don't need to be sorry." he smiled. "You can cry if you need to, I'll be here. I'm not leaving my new friend."

"New friend?" Tubbo echoed, feeling a grin emerge.

"Is... is that okay?"

"Of course! I'll be your friend!" his smile widened if that was even possible.


Hope you liked it! 

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Hope you have an amazing day!!


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