Chapter 19- You're Going Home

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Tommy POV

"How long until we get there?"

Kristen sighed dramatically upon hearing the repeated question. "Are you always this impatient?" He glared, making her chuckle. "A day and a half at least, assuming the wind keeps blowing this strong."

Tommy nodded, leaning his head on the railing. The sea was something he never thought he would ever experience. He had dreamed of it of course, but whenever he brought it up to his mother he was immediately shut down. At the thought of his mother, fear began to run through his veins.

What would she think? Would she be angry? He shook his head, clearing his mind as best he could. He couldn't think about that now. He didn't want to.

Kristen's voice brought him out of his thoughts. "You must be excited to see them, huh?"

Tommy smiled at the thought. He wanted to see them more than anything. The people he had been missing from his life for so long. "Yeah, it's been nine years."

"Wow, why didn't you go back sooner?" she questioned, curiosity making its way into her words.

He shook his head, "I didn't know I was the lost prince until recently."

She didn't understand. "How could you not know? You look exactly like him, and your name is Thomas... so?"

Tommy sighed, "Mother didn't tell me about the lost prince. I didn't know."

"She knew though, didn't she?" 

Tommy closed his eyes, wishing it weren't true. But deep down he knew it was. He didn't want to believe it. How could his own mother keep him from his family? His brother? His father? What right did she have above them to have him in her life?

"Sorry." Kristen apologized, seeing his lost expression. "I don't mean to bring up bad memories."

"It's alright." he said, giving her a small smile. "You didn't know."

They stood there for a moment in silence, enjoying the sound of the waves. There was something so peaceful about it. Something that just made you feel like everything would be okay. Like there was no need to worry. Sadly the feeling was only temporary. 

"So how long have you been sailing?" he asked, hoping to start a conversation about her own life. He didn't know much about her.

"About five years now. Puffy found me on the streets and offered me a place on her crew. She taught me the ropes and now I'm her first mate." Kristen smiled brightly as she explained. "We're practically family now."

Tommy grinned, "Sounds great. Must be nice with all the adventures."

She nodded, then looked down as sadness took over her expression. "We used to go on adventures all the time. Sometimes we would just sail until the wind died, just because we could. Those were the best times..."

"What changed?"

"She grew colder, more reserved. She wasn't carefree anymore, she was responsible. Suddenly everything had to have a reason or it didn't matter." Kristen's eyes glistened with tears but she wiped them away before they could fall.

"She lost someone... didn't she?" he spoke carefully, not wanting to cross a line.

"We all did." She sighed, "A person from the crew promised to come back... but he never did. And Puffy... she gave up a part of herself when he left... and she never got it back."

"Who was he?" Tommy wanted to know so bad, he couldn't stop himself from digging further. Why did he feel so interested?

"We don't speak of him...  Puffy... she can't handle it."


Hope you liked it! Sorry, it was a little short.

Thank you for the 11K!!

Who's the person who left...?

Hope you have an amazing day!!


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