Chapter 42- It Will All Be Okay

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Tommy POV

Tommy didn't want to let go. He cradled Dream's body close, hoping by some miracle that he would come back. He was sick of people dying, he was so sick of not being able to do anything about it.

He sat there for minutes- hours for all he knew. Finally he stood up, wiping his tears. He needed to get back to his family, he couldn't lose them again.

He closed his eyes, turning away from Dream. He had to leave before he couldn't. He took a deep breath, wishing he could bring Dream with him, so he could have a proper burial.

"Goodbye Dream." he murmured, allowing his voice to be taken by the wind.


Wilbur POV

Wilbur closed his eyes, allowing his head to fall to his hands. Where was Tommy? Was he okay? He had to be okay... what if- No, he couldn't stand the thought of his little brother being gone. He couldn't think of the possibility of never seeing him again.

"Wilbur you need to sleep." Techno sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed. He chuckled, "You're becoming me."

"I-I can't- not until we find him." Wilbur shook his head, standing up.

Techno grabbed his hand, stopping him from walking out of the room. "You can't do that without sleep."

"Some talk coming from you." Wilbur rolled his eyes, pulling his hand away. "When was the last time you slept? You look as terrible as I do."

Techno sighed, rubbing him temples. "I'm used to it Wil-"

"And that makes it right?" Wilbur retorted, suddenly very annoyed. 

"Wilbur-" he began.

"I can't rest until we find him Techno... I just can't." the brunette looked up at the older. "I can't go through all that pain again."

Techno slowly nodded, completely understanding. "I know." he whispered. 

"It's been a week yet already it feels like it's been years! It's the same feeling." Wilbur turned away, his eyes stopping on his guitar. "I want him home."

Techno nodded, wrapping his arms around his brother. "Me too."


As the time passed, nothing seemed to change. The family was growing more and more desperate while also trying to fix the kingdom. Everything was just happening so fast. One day Wilbur was playing his guitar, something he had found himself doing more and more often.

Small footsteps echoed through the hallway, making Wilbur look up from his playing. He shook his head, figuring it was just Tubbo. The poor kid hadn't left his room in nearly a week. That's when he realized it couldn't be Tubbo.

"Hello?" he called, setting his guitar aside.

"W-Wilbur?" a small voice spoke, making Wilbur jump up. He knew that voice anywhere. 

Wilbur sprinted out of the room, his eyes instantly seeing a tired young blonde. "TOMMY!" he yelled, tackling the boy in a hug. Tommy was a bit startled, but leaned into the embrace nevertheless. "God, I thought I had lost you again."

"Never." Tommy whispered, nuzzling his face in Wilbur's sweater. He looked up, smirking. "You look awful."

"Hey!" Wilbur laughed, only tightening his grip on the younger. He paused as a thought crossed his mind. "Dream's gone, isn't he?"

Tommy swallowed, trying to stop himself from bursting into tears. "H-He sacrificed-" he couldn't continue, beginning to sob into Wilbur's chest.

"It's alright, you're okay Tommy. I've got you." Wilbur held him close, continuing to whisper reassurances in the boy's ear. Sometimes he forgot how young the boy really was. He was only sixteen and he had gone through so much.

"I-I was so scared Wilby-" the boy sobbed. "I-I couldn't- I couldn't save him... he's gone and I couldn't do anything about it!"

"Don't blame yourself, please. I can't stand when you blame yourself." Wilbur begged, burying his face in Tommy's blonde locks.

Tommy continued to cry, just holding on tighter.


Tubbo POV

He was gone. His big brother, his protection, his safety. Tubbo couldn't think of a time when Dream wasn't there. For as long as he could remember Dream was always there, through every moment.

"Stay away from him!" Dream screamed, shoving a drunk Schlatt away from Tubbo.

"He's my son, I can do whatever I want to him." Schlatt slurred, trying to push past the blonde.

"And he's my little brother. You don't touch him." Dream glared, keeping the brunette behind him. "You don't hurt my Tubbo." He shoved the man back, causing him to fall backwards.

Dream quickly grabbed Tubbo's hand, bringing him outside. He began walking down a long winding path, seemingly on a mission.

"Where are we going?" Tubbo squeaked, trying to hide how scared he felt.

"I'm taking you with me to the castle. You won't be hurt anymore." Dream stopped, looking sadly at him. "I'm so sorry you've had to deal with him... he said he was better. I was stupid to trust him."

Tubbo sniffed, looking away. "It's not your fault."

Dream held his arms open and Tubbo took no time in throwing his arms around him. Dream held him close, making Tubbo feel the safest he had in a long time. At least since his mother died. 

"I'm so sorry."

"Tubbo? You alright?" Ranboo was sitting beside him, looking at him with worry.

"I miss him." Tubbo bit his lip. He had been crying so much, how did he have any tears left? They just didn't seem to ever stop.

Ranboo nodded, looking down. "We should hurry." he whispered, not wanting to seem pushy.

Tubbo sighed, standing up. He looked towards the mirror, hating the black he wore. "Let's go." Ranboo nodded, wrapping an arm around Tubbo. He intended to look after the boy, like he had been doing lately.

The two made their way towards the throne room where everyone was already gathered. 

Six caskets were placed in the front, all of them closed. Tubbo could barely look at them without crying. He knew who was in them.

He wasn't the only one who was a mess. It seemed everyone was falling apart.

Sapnap was taking it especially hard, having lost both of his best friends in the same day. He stood there, sobbing into Karl's chest. Karl spoke softly to him, gently untangling his hair. 

Niki was a sobbing mess, clinging to Eret. She had lost her little brother, the person she had sworn to protect. Eret was emotional too, but it was clear he was trying to stay strong.

Kristen was staring at Puffy's casket, as though she was trying to imagine it wasn't there. That this wasn't real, but it was. Phil was at her side, trying so hard not to show his emotion. But how could he not? He had lost Bad and Skeppy just after saving them. He would never see them again.

Tubbo would never see any of them again.


Tommy POV

Tommy finally let go of Wilbur, moving towards the back where Schlatt stood. Schlatt was silent and for a moment Tommy wondered if he had even noticed he was there.

"Dream wanted to tell you something." Tommy sighed, trying his best to keep from crying.

Schlatt turned to him, his eyes wide. "He did?"

"He said he forgives you."

That's when Schlatt finally broke down. He had been so strong through the entire service, but he had finally broken.

His son forgave him...


Hope you liked it!

Hope you have an amazing day!


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