Chapter 10- An Unwelcome Visit

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Phil POV

Phil sighed, rubbing his eyes. He had been staring at the letters in front of him for what seemed like forever, even if it had only been a half an hour. A knock came from the door, making him look up.

"Come in."

In entered his two sons and a woman. His eyes narrowed as he saw her. Marian, his wife a one point in time. He stood up glaring at her, "Why are you here?"

"Our sons thought it was necessary." she eyed him carefully. 

Before she could continue, Techno interrupted. "She lost Tommy."

Phil stopped at his words. "Tommy?" A wave of anger fueled him as he felt his hands become fists. "What did you do?" he spat.

"I didn't do anything." she hissed.

"Yes you did. You took Tommy away from us." Wilbur spoke up, attempting to keep his voice calm.

"I saved him." she shouted. "From a life he would have hated."

"You 'saved' him from something you hated. You forced him to grow up without us!" Techno screamed.

Marian rolled her eyes, "Stop being so dramatic Techno. You barely knew him when I took him."

"We knew him better than you did! You didn't spend any time with him! We looked after him. We played with him. We loved him. More than you ever did."

"Where is he?" Phil cut in, trying to focus on getting him back.

"I don't know." she admitted. "He was taken by someone or something."

"Taken?" Wilbur felt his heart drop. "We need to go find him!" He made a move towards the door, but Techno stopped him.

"Hang on. We don't even know what we're up against." 

"Well we're not going to figure it out just standing around, are we?" Wilbur protested. Techno glanced towards their father, hoping for him input.

"Get ready, I'll join you when I take care of this."

Techno and Wilbur nodded, racing out the door. 

Phil turned to Marian coldly, "You're a cold hearted mother. In fact I wouldn't call you a mother at all."

"Don't pretend like you were any better." she responded, just as coldly.

"I tried! Whenever I could I would spend time with them. You on the other hand were too busy, or didn't think you looked good enough." he paused. "You abandoned us. You abandoned your sons. Your family."

Marian looked towards the ground, feeling even the slightest bit guilty. "I did what I thought was right."

"That doesn't mean it was right." He studied her for a moment. "Either disappear or I'll throw you in prison."

She looked up in surprise. "What?"

"I don't want you anywhere near this family. I can only imagine what you did to Tommy. So get out." he snarled.

"But I want to find him too." she protested, but her eyes betrayed her. He knew that.

"No you want to use him. Like you used us for your own gain. I will never let you near my sons ever again." 

"Fine." She glared at him, "Don't come running back to me when you want love. I won't be there." 

And with that she disappeared, never to be seen again.


This is a short one, but I still wanted to get it out.

Hope you liked it!

Hope you have an amazing day!


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