Chapter 5- A Hopeless Prisoner

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Tommy POV

Tommy's eyes slowly began to open. His head pounded, making his vison blurry. He blinked a few times, finally fixing his sight. Where was he? He rubbed his head, hoping to ease the pain. He was surprised to see his hand returned red with blood.

He groaned a little, studying the room. It was small with stone walls and a cold floor. A small door was visible, but that seemed to be the only escape.

He tried to stand up, only to fall back down due to dizziness. He closed eyes, trying to stop the pounding, only to black out.

When woke up again he wasn't alone. Another person was laying on the floor, a few feet away. It was a boy, maybe a few years older than Tommy. He looked to be in a lot of pain, based off of the bruises that lined his skin.

"Are you okay?" Tommy whispered, not even sure if he was awake. 

The boy looked up, meeting his blue eyes. "W-who are you..." His words slurred together as he slowly sat up, wincing. "How... how did you get here?"

"I-I don't know." Tommy rubbed his head, trying to remember. "It's all a blur."

"Don't expect to ever see the light of day again."

His eyes widened. "W-what?" He couldn't mean what he said... right? "How long have you been here?"

"Don't know." the boy sighed, running his fingers through his muddy hair. "The name's Skeppy, if you want to know."

"Tommy." the blonde replied. He leaned against the wall sorrowfully. What happened? Why was he here? Did he do something wrong?

"You really don't know where you are?" Skeppy questioned, eyeing Tommy.

"Should I?" 

"You're in Mare's Cage. It's a prison, a place that it is unescapable." he explained. "You must have done something really bad to end up here." 

Tommy shook his head, "I didn't do anything! The last thing I remember is the sound of glass shattering." 

"So you were taken it sounds like." Skeppy concluded, muttering, "Like I was."

"Taken? For what?" 

"His own gain if nothing else."

"Who are you talking about?" Tommy asked, puzzled.

"The man who runs this place. The shadow who's always watching, always one step ahead of everyone. The one who's always in control, no matter what you think."

"What would he want with me?" Tommy's voice grew quieter.

"You're guess is as good as mine." Skeppy shrugged.

"Well what does he want with you?"

"I'm his control for my best friend." the boy sighed, "I wish he would just kill me... let him Bad go free." He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts.

"Why didn't-"

"I've tried! I've tried a million times! But there's no escape out of this Hell. It's impossible." 

"Well maybe-"

"No Tommy. I've tried everything, stop wasting your breath." Skeppy interrupted. "Our best bet is to just wait."

"Wait to be killed? That doesn't sound like a good option." 

"It's the only option." he growled. "There's no point in being hopeful, it's unrealistic at this point."


The sound of the door creaking open, cut in, making both of them look towards the exit. The door was wide open, allowing a small breeze to enter the room.

Tommy was on his feet in a second, rushing towards the escape. A smile appeared on his face as he reached it, before he crashed to the ground. He looked up in surprise to see a smiling face staring down at him.

"Going somewhere, are we?"


Another short one, but here you go. I actually have a pretty go plan for how I want this book to go surprisingly. Hope you enjoyed it! There should be more updates this coming week since its spring break for me.

Have a great day!


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