Chapter 6- A Fallen Fragment

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Dream POV

Dream stumbled, falling back a step. His head fell into his hands as his hand began to pound. He shut his eyes tightly, trying to remain standing.


Dream opened his eyes, being met with a concerned Techno and Wilbur. "What?"

"Are you okay?" Techno asked, eyeing the blonde suspiciously. 

"I-I" Another wave of pain rushed through his head, causing him to fall forward. Wilbur caught him, carefully guiding him to the floor.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm in control."

What? Who said that? 

"Don't fight it."

Dream shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. Certainly, he was imagining things. He didn't think those things... so who did?

"Dream look at me." Techno voice came, making him come back to reality. Dream tried to meet his eyes, but he couldn't. Whether it was from the lack of strength or something else, he wasn't sure. It was like he couldn't control his own body.

His vision became a blur before it slowly faded to black.


Techno POV

Techno felt Dream fall limp in his arms, and his heart began to pump faster. What was going on? He quickly turned to Wilbur, "Get Fundy quickly!"

Wilbur didn't need to be told twice. He sprinted out of the room, leaving Techno alone with Dream. Or at least that's what he thought.

"Prince Techno?" a small voice came.

Techno looked up to be met with two different color eyes. Ranboo? What was he doing here? The younger boy was a knight in training, someone who showed a lot of promise.

"What are you going here?" Techno narrowed his eyes.

"I saw Prince Wilbur in a panic and I wondered... I wanted to help."

Techno sighed, "There isn't much you can do."

"Then I'll keep you company at least."

Techno was surprised at the kid's loyalty. It was hard to find in kids his age, especially as the years go on. Most kids only looked out for themselves. They had no room for anyone else.

Techno opened his mouth to respond, only to be interrupted by a ginger rushing into the room. Fundy raced to them, a bag of supplies in hand. 

"What happened?" he demanded.

"I don't know, he just started spacing out. Then he stumbled and eventually passed out." Techno explained as Wilbur knelt beside him.

Fundy quickly checked his pulse, before looking for any signs of an injury.

"What could have caused this?" Wilbur questioned. "This has never happened before."

The boy shook his head, "I'm not sure. I've never seen anything like this before. Unless it was from exhaustion or lack of nutrient. Do you know if he's been taking care of himself?" 

Techno turned to Ranboo, knowing who might know the answers to his questions. "Go get George and Sapnap. Tell them its urgent."

Ranboo nodded, running off towards the direction of the knight's quarters. 

Wilbur glanced at his twin. "What do you need from them?"

"They're closest to him, so I'd assume they would know more about his habits." 

Fundy nodded in agreement. "We need to get him to the medical room. He looked towards the two princes, "You think you guys would be able to carry him?"

The two princes nodded. Carefully the two of them picked up the blonde, being as gentle as possible. They carried him down the hallway, deeper into the castle until they finally reached the medical room.

Fundy pointed to a small bed in the corner and they laid him down.

Techno took to a chair, moving it beside the bed. "Will he be alright?"

"He should be. Hopefully he can give us more information on what happened." 

Two boys came crashing into the room, followed by Ranboo. They stood there, trying to catch their breath. 

"I tried to keep them calm-" Ranboo began.

"By not telling us anything!" George shouted before realizing who was in the room. His eyes widened at the sight of the royals. "Sorry, your majesties... I didn't realize you were in here."

"It's alright." Wilbur shrugged it off.

"What happened?" Sapnap asked, rushing to Dream's side. "Is he okay?"

"He just fainted, we'll know more when he wakes up." Fundy told them. "In the meantime, I was wondering if you've noticed anything strange going on with Dream. Maybe sleeping less? Not eating as much as normal?"

George thought for a moment, "No, nothing like that. I mean he's been training a lot lately, but-"

"But we've been making sure he takes care of himself!" Sapnap cut in.

"Sapnap!" George yelled.

"What?! I can give answers too!"

George rolled his eyes, but said nothing. His attention remained on Dream. He moved a chair closer to the bed before sitting down.

Techno exchanged a look with Wilbur, a silent conversation. "Let us know if anything changes or he wakes up." Techno stood up, his brother following.

"Will do Your Majesty." Fundy bowed respectfully.

Techno made his way to his room, Wilbur right behind him. Wilbur had a tendency to stick close to his twin whenever he could, even when he had no reason to.

"I hope Dream will be okay." Wilbur commented, sitting on the bed.

"He will be, he's strong."

"What do you think happened?"

"I don't know." Techno sighed. "Maybe I worked him too hard... I should have paid attention-"

"Techno, we both know that's not true. You always blame yourself when there isn't an apparent reason behind something." Wilbur crossed his arms.

Techno stayed silent, taking off his cape and hanging it up. He sat beside his brother. "He's been spending all of his time looking for Tommy."


"I told him how much we missed him... and he's trying to fix that."

Wilbur stared at him, his brown eyes wide. "Maybe he is overworking himself."

"I should never have told him to begin with... I just... I don't know. It was his birthday and I couldn't think of anything else and it kind of slipped out."

Wilbur offered him a smile, "It's a good thing we have loyal friends like him."

Friends... not just knights...


Hope you have an amazing day! Thank you for reading this, I really appreciate it!


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