Chapter 28- Toms?

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The long awaited chapter... :)

Wilbur POV

Wilbur stared at the boy he had missed for more than nine years. The baby brother he had cried about nearly every night since he was taken. The little prince he once sang songs to every night before he went to bed. The young blonde he loved more than anything.

Wilbur could tell that Tommy was unsure, hesitant towards what to do. He hated that. 

"Toms... is that really you?" he asked softly. He knew it was. After all no one had eyes like Tommy did. He could recognize them anywhere. Part of him didn't believe this was real.

"Wil... Wilby?" That nickname... he remembered. It was like Tommy was a kid again, like he hadn't been taken from them.

Wilbur rushed forward, just as Tommy did. He hugged him tightly, so scared he would disappear again. "Oh my god, you're okay." 

He felt Tommy tremble in his arms and he pulled back a little, scared of what was wrong. 

"I'm so sorry Wil- I-"

"Toms, what are you sorry for?" Wilbur asked gently, wiping his tears away.

"If I would have known-" Tommy began before bursting into tears.

"Oh Toms,  that wasn't your fault." Wilbur pulled him into a protective embrace. He hated seeing Tommy upset, it made his heart break. 

They stood like that for a moment before Tommy pulled away. He seemed to be looking at something else. 


It took only a moment before Tommy ran to him, jumping into his arms. Wilbur watched with a fond smile.

They had their Tommy back.


Techno POV

Techno couldn't believe that the kid in his arms was his baby brother. The boy he had lost too soon. He had blamed himself for Tommy's disappearance since that night. But now he was here, safe in his arms.

Techno tightened his grip on the blonde, never wanting to let go.

"Te-chno-" Tommy gasped, "Can't breathe-"

Techno quickly pulled back a little, looking at the boy. "Sorry, I just- it's been so long."

Tommy grinned, the same grin he had always had. That made Techno smile, knowing his brother was still the same he had always been.

Tommy wrapped his arms around Techno once more. Techno didn't hesitate to do the same. He would never let his brother go ever again. 

Another pair of arms wrapped around both of them. Wilbur sandwiched Tommy between them, just as tightly as Techno did.

After what felt like hours, they finally pulled apart. Still the brothers stayed close to one another, never wanting to leave each other.

"I still can't believe it's you." Wilbur breathed, ruffling Tommy's hair.

Tommy chuckled, "I just can't believe I found you guys. I finally found my missing piece."

Techno smiled, "We're finally whole again."


Hope you liked it! The long awaited reunion! ^_^

Sorry it was a little short...

I finally have the rest of the book planned out... the end is in sight... ^_^

Hope you have an amazing day!


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