Chapter 14- It's Only Training

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George POV

"Go again!" Dream shouted, turning on his heel.

George panted, still trying to catch his breath. They had been at this for almost five hours straight. Sure, Dream had always been very serious when it came to training, but this was ridiculous.

"Can't we take a break?" he begged.

Dream huffed, "No! We need to be training!" 

Sapnap, who had been watching on the sidelines, spoke up, "Dream isn't this a bit extreme?"

"Of course not!"

"What exactly are you training for?" he pressed, hoping Dream would understand their point of view.

Dream rolled his eyes, "For coming wars obviously. We need to be better!"

George and Sapnap exchanged looks. "But the kingdom is at peace."

George moved closer to the blonde, "Are you alright Dream?"

"I'm fine!" he snapped, pushing George away.

George bit his lip, trying to figure out what could really being bothering him. "Is this about Schlatt?"

Dream immediately glared at him, "This has nothing to do with him!"

The brunette backed down, not wanting to make him even madder. Sapnap, however, didn't.

"I thought he was doing better? You said he was done drinking." 

Dream kept silent, as though he was trying to contain his anger.

"Isn't that why you let T-"

"SHUT UP!" the blonde screamed. He sprinted out of the room, leaving them all in shock.

George was disturbed, not only by the way his best friend was acting, but also by what he saw. Could he be seeing things? Were Dream's eyes really red? The only other person who's eyes turned red were Techno's. But he was always in control of them, or at least that's what he said.

Sapnap turned to him, regret written all over his face. "I guess I went too far."

George shook his head, "He went too far."

"I don't understand, he's always been open about Schlatt. Why has that suddenly changed?" 

He sighed, "I just hope Sam can figure it out. Because that is not the Dream we're best friends with."



Sam stared at the letters in his hands, praying for a response. What was he going to do if it wasn't there? He shuffled them, searching for the name. Most of the letters were from villagers, looking for deals on weapons and other things.

Then he saw it, a purple letter with the letters. K.J.

Sam sighed in relief, maybe there was still hope. He opened it swiftly, reading quickly.

It was a simple letter. One with no answers and no questions. It simply said, 

"I'll be there soon."


Sorry, this one was a little short. I've been pretty busy lately, but I'm trying to write as much as I can.

Hope you liked it!

Thank you for the 5K reads!

Hope you have an amazing day!


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