Chapter 3- Missing a Smile

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Techno POV

Techno sighed, setting down his sword. He ran a hand through his pink hair, attempting to relax. It didn't solve anything, but at least it eased his stress a little.

A voice interrupted him, "Techno? You okay?"

Techno looked up to see Dream, a knight who was a close friend. He had the responsibility of overseeing the training of all knights, but there were some he trained personally.

"Of course, why do you ask?"

"You've been zoned out lately. What's on your mind?" Dream adjusted his mask to where his green eyes became visible.

Techno shook his head, "It's nothing."

"Well obviously its something if your thinking about it so much." 

He sighed, "Today is his birthday."

"Oh, Tommy?" Techno nodded, staring at the ground. "You must miss him a lot."

"Everyday for nine years."

Dream thought for a moment, "He's still out there somewhere. Maybe someday he'll come home."

"He probably doesn't know where home is." Techno shook his head. He had hoped for so long. Could he really hope forever?

"You can't give up on him." Dream spoke carefully, not wanting to seem demanding. He just wanted to be there for his friend.

"Why not? I should just accept it, shouldn't I?" he didn't mean the words he said. He was just so tired... tired of missing him. He just wanted to see him, hug him again. Just see that smile again.

"What about Wilbur?"

Wilbur... the one who took it the hardest. He still held onto every last hope that Tommy would come home someday. Techno couldn't break that, he couldn't bring himself to. "I don't want to hurt him more..."

"So don't. Hold onto hope instead of expectation." He felt a hand grasp his shoulder. 

"You really think he'll come home?"

"One day I think he will. And everyday we're closer to finding him." Dream gave him a smile. "Besides, the castle feels empty without him. Even nine years later."

Techno grunted in agreement. It was true, the castle was missing something. No matter how much they tried to fill that hole they never could. It couldn't be replaced by anything except Tommy.

"Why don't you go talk to Wilbur? I'm sure he's feeling the same thing right now." the knight suggested, taking off his training gear.

"Yeah, I'll do that." Techno agreed, he was about to leave but turned to Dream, "Thanks for listening to my problems."

"Is not like I really have a choice. I mean, you are the Prince." he teased.

"Whatever Dream." Techno chuckled, walking away. He made his way down the empty hallways, not stopping until he reached his twin brother's door.

He softly knocked nine times, making sure his brother knew it was him. Wilbur was very selective about who he saw on these days.

"Come in Tech." 

Techno opened the door and gently closed it behind him. Wilbur was laying on his bed staring up at the ceiling. He looked so lost, so unsure.

"You alright?" 

Wilbur turned to look at him, "What do you think?"

Techno sighed, nodding, "Yeah, I feel the same."

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