Chapter 35- Armies Rise

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Phil POV

Phil sighed, shaking his head as looked up at the people in front of him. "You're sure?"

"100 percent, Your Majesty." the scout reported.

"Very well, you're dismissed." the scout bowed again before leaving the tent.

Two figures entered the tent, looking distraught.

"What is it Father?" Techno asked, concerned by the look on the man's face.

"They have almost twice our numbers." Phil explained, "And they're still growing." He closed his eyes, wishing it was all a bad dream. But it wasn't.

"How did they recruit that many?" Wilbur gasped.

"Not everyone agrees with our ruling, Wil." Phil unrolled a large map on the table, looking over it. "And with the offer of power, you can basically get people to do anything."

"But the shadow is evil!" the brunette exclaimed.

"In our eyes."

"It should be in everyone's eyes." he grumbled.

"So what are we going to do?" Techno continued.

"Numbers don't win a battle. If we can play it right, there's still a chance." Phil replied, less confidently then people wanted him to.

"And if we don't win?"

"Let's not think about that."

Suddenly Sam raced in, nearly tripping over his own feet. He froze when he realized that he had intruded. "Oh- I'm sorry-"

"What's wrong Sam?" Wilbur interrupted.

"They're back-"

"Who?" Techno stood up.

"Bad and Skeppy!" 

The three royals jumped up, following Sam out of the tent. They hadn't seen the two for nearly five months. What made it even worse was having no idea where they had been taken. Even after months of searching, they were still no closer to finding them.

Phil pushed past the maze of people, desperate to see them. He rushed into the medical tent, and froze. For a moment he saw the same two kids he had saved so long ago.

Skeppy sat up at the sight of him, immediately being pushed back down by Fundy who was still trying to clean his wounds.

Bad stood there for a moment before rushing into his comforting arms. Bad broke down, sobbing into his chest. Phil immediately wrapped his arms around him, holding him close.

"You're safe," he whispered. "I'll keep you safe."

Bad continued to sob, clinging to him even tighter. Phil gently moved them towards Skeppy, so he could comfort the boy in any way he could. After being pushed down again by Fundy, Skeppy grabbed Phil's hand, squeezing it.

"I'm so sorry we couldn't find you." he murmured as Bad's cries slowly began to die down. He looked at Bad, meeting his eyes. "Are you alright?"

Bad nodded, "N-Now I am... sorry." he looked down in embarrassment.

"Don't be." Phil smiled warmly. "I'm glad I could be the shoulder to cry on."



Bad followed Fundy, proud to say the least of how much he learned without him being around. Suddenly Fundy stopped, making Bad come to halt behind him.

"You alright Fundy?" he questioned gently, standing closer to the younger.

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